Flying Update in Shadowlands

Still a choice. You can do everything in those expansions without flying. Look I’m as pro flying as they come and I’m not trying to say this against flying. I’m just saying all the anti flying people can still choose to stay on the ground and have fun the way they want.


Pathfinder was no compromise. Pathfinder is a way to enable them to advertise flying in the game and sell flying mounts in the store without really give flying in current content.

Don’t know about you but getting pathfinder with this change is pointless for me now because the only reason I was getting it was to have it later if I wanted it. By the time I get it my characters are already leveled up anyway. This expansion I used flying to get rep in mechagon and nazjatar for my alt’s essences which they then made into a waste of time activity a few months later anyway. So I really got absolutely no use out of flying and pathfinder in BfA.


I like you. Next time I see you out in the world, I’ll be sure to tank whatever you’re attacking.

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Cool, I’ve had flying unlocked in those expansions for years.

How about unlocking flight at level 10 so I’m not stymied into staying in Vanilla content because most other zones are god awful to navigate without flight.

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Which zones are awful to navigate without flight?

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IDK if you played WoD or not but there was no flying or pathfinder at its start. The road forward was going to be no more flying in current expansions at all.

Pathfinder was and is absolutely a compromise on have no flying in the game for the current expansion.

I think the concept and reasoning behind Pathfinder is a good one: Get players to explore new zones from the ground before giving them the ability to skip over it. As Bruce Lee said “don’t concentrate on the finger [convenience] or you will miss all that heavenly glory [the new zones they made for you]”
It immerses you into the atmosphere and environment of the zone so much when you’re surrounded by it and not up above it. Quests also flow into each other better when you’re running/riding/driving from point to point instead of shooting straight up into the air, taking a direct line to the next quest point, and dive-bombingstraight in.
However, i do think they take Pathfinder a little too far. Explore every region of a zone, sure, i can get with that. Ensure I’ve played through the main quest storyline with a checkpoint achievement, I’m good with that too. The rep requirements, however, are a little too much. If I’ve run every linear quest cluster that a faction offers, I should have earned enough rep to satisfy Pathfinder without having to wade into dailies with them. Leave that for the higher-rep faction rewards.
Speaking of which, the epics offered at exalted rep need a boost. I think I’ve conistently outgeared the items they offer at exalted in every expansion since Wrath… and I dont raid anymore, aside from LFR, don’t PVP or indulge in the Mythic flexoff.


I sure did. That was the first time I stopped paying them for months because of them saying no flying forever.

They literally could remove flying entirely from current content for what good it does me now. So no it wasn’t a compromise.


I cancelled 2 subscriptions during WOD prepatch, thanks to class pruning and them saying that flying was a thing of the past.


No flying going forward was unsustainable. That was never going to happen because too many people wanted flying back the way it was before WoD and legitimately cancelled their subs over it. The devs then gave us PF out of spite for not being able to take flying away.


You still get something out of it that you can’t get any other way other than flying so it’s all good.

Yeah nah.

They make the game they can do what they want.

Please No. Leveling thru Legion sucks now as all the 120’s just run a round one hitting everything making it take much longer to get your quests done…or put them in a different ‘phase’…rant over !

You don’t know how a consumer business is run do you?



You make something. If people like it they buy it if people don’t like it they don’t buy it.

At no point in the process is the consumer elevated to the position of creator.

If the company makes a decision with their product/service that many, MANY people don’t like they will not buy/subscribe to that product anymore thus forcing the company to change or suffer profit loss.

I’m amazed people still don’t understand this concept.


I’m amazed people think they understand what millions of other people want on some cohesive level.

I will admit that I thought you were being facetious so I was mostly joking with that comment, but you were apparently being serious… :woman_facepalming:.

The folks sitting around all day at home aren’t paying the bills. They are playing “for free” off of someone else’s dollar with in-game gold.

I would venture to bet that they wouldn’t cancel their sub based on the news that PF for Draenor and Legion are going to be “mount/speed” reward only and flight will open in those zones via purchasing the regular flight licences in the game. Why would they? Is this not at least a part of what they want?

They haven’t quit over BfA PF yet, and leaving that one in makes sense because every new (possibly returning, but I haven’t see where that is clear anywhere yet…I would think anyone who’s never quested there) will have no choice but to quest in those zones before they can move on to other parts of the world so they should get it while leveling. I do hope they reduce the requirements to ensure it will be obtainable by the time the full area is completed through questing (we’ll see…I’m not holding my breath).

But sure, if they did it would probably get some attention. In the past nearly 6 years this hasn’t happened so I am going to stick with “I highly doubt” it will happen now that PF restrictions are being lifted in some areas. But that’s just me…

People actually do understand this concept. But those of you who apparently hate the game actually have to stop buying/subscribing for that concept to mean anything here, and you don’t, won’t, probably never will. You enjoy complaining about the game way too much to stop playing it.

So, if you want change you and all your fellow game hating buddies need to put your money where your mouth is and don’t let the door hit ya, and all that jazz…


that isn’t all this is though. this change says that account wide flying on all your characters doing WoD, Legion and BfA if you did pathfinder will no longer exist if you wish to level solely in those expansions.

Pathfinder was advertised and I did with the understanding I would be able to fly entirely doing questing in that content. That isn’t going to be the case in Shadowlands.

I do pathfinder in current content based also on the above understanding. There is literally no point in me doing pathfinder in shadowlands now if I have to wait until I DO all the content repeatedly for 9 months before I get it.

So yes they will lose some money over this because no reason to do pathfinder means less content, less reason to pay them. Less reason to even buy the expansion when you can just play an expansion behind and get it for doing nothing plus get the expansion free as well.

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