Flying Serpent Kick rework

I think Flying Serpent Kick should be reworked because it’s name just doesn’t fit the role; is it supposed to be an actual attack, or just a mobility tool? The animation is cool, so it would be nice to actually see it being used like actual attack.

If it’s supposed to be an actual attack, I think it should be a targetable chi spender that causes a slight knockback and knockdown upon impact, kind of like Mortal Kombat’s Liu Kang’s Flying Dragon Kick.

If it’s just supposed to be a mobility tool, which Roll already fulfills, I think it should be changed to a location-targetable skill, like the warrior’s Heroic Leap. I don’t know how many times I’ve flown off a cliff by accidently activating Flying Serpent Kick :sob:.

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Based on what you wrote, it makes me believe that you were not aware that FSK can be canceled by hitting the button again, while in flight.

The move does do minor aoe damage when you cancel it, to every mob in the area it lands, which can be used to extend hit combo.

So the move already does both of what it says, flying = gap closer travel, and kick = aoe damage to the area you land with it.

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The only thing that should change about Flying Serpent Kick is it should interact with Z axis. For a spec named Windwalker we sure have very little of that fantasy going for us.

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I am actually aware of this feature… when I intentionally activate it. I was referring to instances when I accidently activated it when I was facing a cliff that was a few steps away.

Granted it is a free button, if you’re following the rotation correctly, then you should not be dropping hit combo and should not be needing FSK to extend it.

A kick implies a direct impact strike by one’s foot. Since the AOE damage does not occur until the monk lands and stomps the ground, perhaps FSK should be renamed to Flying Serpent Stomp to fit the name then.

IT should let us move farther for each dude we kick with and we can turn in the air to aim bouncing around enemies.

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I was just being nice.

But you picking apart my nice reply to try and save face, backtracking that you knew how the move works, just makes you come off as a passive aggressive jerk. And reaffirms why I don’t post here anymore and I just post in the T3 lounge and developer forums.


ITT: OP doesn’t understand the meaning of the word kick.

FSK should have been unpruned and given to brewmaster and mistweaver.

It would be cool if it did more damage.

This would actually help our flag / orb carrying issues in pvp. It’s still not a targeted leap, but if it bypasses the dampening slows unlike chi torpedo, it’s at least something.

They should give it to all the monk specs and give Windwalker the option to talent it into Windwalk from WC3.

As a WW fsk is affected by dampening. If dampening is really high fsk won’t even move you forward.

Super frustrating that the “hIghLy m0BiLe” class is so neutered in pvp >:|

shhh or our DH flag carrying overlords will hear you… As they leap and fel charge even with dampening.