Flying... Here's the truth

Usually when people attempt to blank out reality like you’re doing right now, it’s because whatever they’re seeing bothers them for one reason or another. I.e., it bothers you that people quit over flying (I assume because you don’t think it’s a problem and therefore can’t think that it’s a problem for anyone else) and so you deny that it happens.

It’s a weird one to pick though, because the “no flying” announcement nearly killed WoD before it even launched. This is not something that’s even up for debate. Usually when someone tries to pretend that reality isn’t real they’ll pick something a little more ambiguous.

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Let’s leave the armchair psychology out of this.

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:man_shrugging: I’d be happy to, if you weren’t trying to point at something real and deny that it ever happened. That’s pretty weird.


“I can’t prove this. Just take my word for this.”

How about no? WoD launched with high numbers then declined. That is all that is considered fact.

Considering all of the pre-launch hype about how WoD was going to be like “the good old days”, there’s a perfectly plausible line of reasoning to suggest that people quit once they realized what a dumpster fire WoD was with the introduction of Garrisons and everything.

Stating your opinion as fact, as well as your terrible attempt at armchair psychology is a silly notion and why Blizzard doesn’t take you guys seriously.

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Imagine actually thinking that if WoD had normal flying, it would’ve been successful. :rofl:

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I think he’s at least part right. You’re so dismissive about flying you have to have some sort of problem with it.

I already stated that I don’t like pathfinder. This strawman isn’t going too hot for you.

I don’t have an issue with flying, at all. I just don’t agree that it’s a major issue like some of you are trying to convince me of.

You’re trying too hard to paint sides.

Pathfinder exists because so many people quit after the WoD flying announcement that Blizzard had to do something to try and get them back.

Again, it’s really weird that you choose to deny this. If you don’t like the “armchair psychology” (i.e. pointing out something basic that anyone who deals with people anywhere knows about) then maybe pick a different hill to die on. Even the people who hate flying will typically just make fun of the people who quit rather than trying to deny that they exist.


I can’t handle the truth.

Once again, you have nothing to substantiate this. Live by your own head canon if you want, but that’s all it is. You need to be honest with yourself.

Plenty of people quit during WoD. That’s all you know. Anything beyond that is just a theory. End of story, bud.

This entire part simply displays that you are taking a conversation too personally. The fact you’re trying to attack me directly is hilarious. Calm down.

You refuse to accept that it IS an issue for many. That’s the only point I’m trying to get across to you.

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I already said it was an issue. Just not a major one. It’s a slight inconvenience, nothing more.

There’s your disconnect. It is a major issue for many people. It’s the number 1 reason I’m not buy SL. For some reason you refuse to acknowledge that flying is that important to some people.


It’s illogical to think that it is. Getting around a bit more conveniently is hardly a “very important thing”.

Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t make it a non-issue.


So what if it’s illogical though? If it’s a major issue for someone, they aren’t going to stop and think “oh well it’s illogical for me to have this opinion so I guess it’s not a problem for me anymore.”

Because you don’t hold this opinion, it’s illogical. Therefore no one else can have this opinion. Did I catch the thrust of your continued denial?


I never said it was a non-issue. This is the second time I’ve told you this and the third time I’ve said that in this thread.


Most people avoid doing illogical things when they’re aware of it. My argument was that it wasn’t actually a big deal.

“So what if it’s not logical to think it’s a big deal or not” isn’t a counter to that.

Oh my bad I didn’t word it perfectly.

Year long time gated flying is a MAJOR issue.


Disagree. But I guess to be a bit more accommodating, why do you believe it’s a major issue?

What does flying actually bring to the game that makes you go “Oh boy, now THIS is worth $15 a month”?

Flying lets me engage with the world however I want. It takes away the tedium of getting to content. We’re on the ground while leveling, fine. We’re still on the ground while doing PF 1, not a huge fan but fine. Once we get finished with PF 1 we’ve seen everything multiple times. We’ve ridden down the same paths and avoided the same mobs enough for it to become tedious to still be on the ground.

Flight paths. With how WQs are so spaced out you’ll likely need to hop onto multiple flight paths just to get one emissary done. Taking a flight path actively takes control away from your character. When you can play for 5 minutes, have to lose control of your character for 2 minutes, play for 7 minutes, lose control for 3 minutes it becomes such a disengaging gameplay experience. With player flying I’m in control 100% of the time.