Dungeons, Raids, BGs, Arena are what made WoW’s endgame back then and none of those are related to flying.
People don’t idolize old WoW because of flying. There are far more important things lost along the way that are related to meaningful content beyond daily quests.
Legion and BFA are not well structured at all. Worst designed zones and story wise they are poor.
WoD had a better story structure and leveling process but the zone design was poor!
Patchfinder is the worst system ever created. So bad. Flying tomes for alts is more cost effective than the time invested doing patchfinder and waiting for patchfinder to unlock.
Flying is a nice thing to have, but nobody is paying $15/month for it specifically. People pay $15/month for the actual content - the content which is unaffected by flying.
Belief is not required. Reality will suffice - people can and do quit over lack of flying. It’s the reason why Pathfinder was even implemented in the first place, after the mass exodus caused by Blizzard’s “no more flying” stunt in WoD.
There are more reasons for people to quit than flying, yes. Still doesn’t change the fact that people quit over flying. I’m kind of surprised that you are even trying to deny it. Is it because you don’t like that they do?
You get to do even MORE world quests for your world quests!
In all seriousness, why is flying even such an issue? Outside of harvesting/accumulating materials (which is really important mind you, I’m not discounting that), what is it purpose other than that and getting somewhere quicker?
Sit back…relax and enjoy looking all the coral formations in Nazjatar…or the waterfalls in Dazar’alor. It’s the little things…