Flood the depths of Khaz Algar, there's nothing of worth down there anyway

Don’t you dare flood anything until I can rescue Spindle and the other weave-rats!

But once they’re safe, yeah, drown everything down there.

There’s 0 proof that would be effective, also there is a ton of stuff down there, like the coreway leading to Azeroth (Titan), Undermine, the pools of the Black Blood.

I do think that Hallowfall in particular is a wasted space.

Pools are nothing before an ocean! So crashing flooding waves that would drag you into rocks and sharp objects wouldn’t be enough? even with the force enough to break one’s neck? I think that’s plenty proof enough.

there are still some good people in those zones and good creatures. You’re talking about either killing or making homeless several thousand individuals and creatures on a hypothesis. Sounds less like a solution and more like genocide. Plus, I kind of like hallowfall as a zone.

lure all the draenei down there first.

Still a better idea than sending all the soldiers that were sacrificed for these zones.

it’s like saying, we should’ve turned the Middle East to glass instead of sending soldiers in to resolve the issue. It may seem like there’s no logical reason for it and sometimes there’s not, but you can’t really fight evil with more evil.

I mean lore wise I don’t see why not… do the rock monsters that barely have feelings even drown?

Humans down there have flying ships

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Middle east and Khaz algar are very different. The evil is concentrated and in the open. The arathi have flying ships that can evacuate. Nerubians do not. Youre not thinking it through :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah play right into azshara’s hand you filthy naga!

Azshara is a good guy now remember? she was helping us all along against N’zoth

Whoa did you just trans bat azshara? Be careful or people be calling for no void in schools.

Stormwind is overrun with void elves, there’s no chance of that happening.

Distribute free fel to the homeless void elves in stormwind. Government sanctioned

I mean, dropping on ocean on the highborne didn’t kill them, even after Azshara’s barrier failed they were just drowning slowly. WoW doesn’t really respect water pressure.

Suspension of disbelief probably. Characters acting with absolute reason and logic can make for poor video game storytelling and content. That said, the plan only works if we assume the Nerubians only have no way of redirecting the water.

I would say the OP’s plan is illogical and would have made sense from how the story progressed.

  1. how exactly are you flooding it? How are you digging a big enough hole to flood the underground cave? Mana bomb? Look at Theramore even with said bomb it didnt dig a deep enough hole.

  2. the reason we dont just march all our forces to deal with the nerubians is because we did end up learning not everyone of them are genocidal monsters. Now the past Horde might not have cared(and considering most of said “genocide ambivalent” leadership are gone, well), but the bleeding hearts Alliance are not exactly in the business of senseless genocide.

  3. we didnt even know about the nerubians until long after we were getting our armies ready.

then you know what to do.
flood stormwind.

You utter poet.