Flask Price is 4k

Meanwhile, no one ever puts in orders for flasks, phials or potions. It’s early in the crafting season so people are trying to re-coop the money they are spending to level and the other professions that are seeing some orders, the amount of commission is in line with the Patrons which don’t always provide resources.


Blizzard isn’t gatekeeping anything with the AH economy.
It’s literally normal supply and demand.
The raids just opened so demand is extremely high, therefore prices increase based on the continuous number of alchemists making the flasks.

Literally Economics 101.

There’s a simple solution to your problem if the PLAYER SET prices are too high.
Make an Alchemist and an herbalist (can even be the same character). Farm and make your own consumables. It’s really that simple.

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4k seems pretty cheap for this early in the expansion. Sounds like you’re not very hardcore into end game so why do you even need the flask?

I don’t see the problem, if you need gold and you don’t like farming gold, sell a token? One token should give you a decent amount of flasks.


please be so for real right now

I refuse to put in any additional money in SUBSCRIPTION BASED GAME,
you guys forgot for a second that it is not supposed to be mobile trash ads ridden freemium.

Blizzard makes herbs spawn in every zone constantly.

The only material in the Flask of Swiftness that could realistically be considered rare is lotus. And guess what there’s an herb spec for that that most smart folks specced into to maximize profit. There are anywhere from 100-150K available in the AH right now. And they aren’t even the most expensive material in the recipe. Similar amounts of Residue. And the other materials are some of the most common herbs available in the game. However you need to remember that those herbs are also used by Scribes so there’s crafter competition for the materials as well. And that because we’re still so early into the expac, there aren’t a lot of people capable of obtaining those max rank materials much less those able to craft the flasks themselves at max rank. And those who can invested a significant amount of time, effort and resources into not only skilling up their profession, but obtaining their max ranked profession gear.

Either way, Rank 3 mats comes to ~7500 per 2 so about ~3750 per flask. somewhere around a 250-300ish profit margin for max rank.

Anything below max rank is being sold at a MASSIVE loss. Looking at the auction House right now, the Flask price for Switfness is 3.8-4K for 3-star and 500 for 1-star. The difference between them this early in is negligible. So if you think 3stars cost too much buy 1 stars.

about 1 hour of passive casual herb farming gets me enough to make piles of those flasks if I so chose to.

So again, Blizz isn’t gate keeping anything. The materials are plentifully available. Crafters are making and selling them. And at max rank, the buy price is only marginally marked up above the crafting cost (barely even a 10% markup). Lower ranks are actually a loss of profit for these people to sell and they are selling them anyway.

If you don’t want to farm up the mats and make the flasks yourself, then go farm gold and buy them. Or Buy rediculously cheap lower tier of Flask which will get the job done almost as well.

Flasks and their materials are in high demand. Prices adjust for that demand accordingly. Cope.


If blizzard increases gathered materials price will go down,
it is in blizzard hands this inflation.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of materials being traded continuously at any given minute in the game. The mats are out there. You not liking that supply and demand exists and affects the economic market doesn’t make that not true.

Either way we’re done here.

/tips hat and bids you good day


You maybe, my point stands, blizz can increase materials provided to players to address this.

Supply and demand at work, everything is expensive at the start of an expansion, more so because all the raiding guilds are buying up every consumable for the world first race or just guild progression etc…if you don’t like it craft your own things and help the supply increase to lower prices.

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No. It doesn’t.
The materials are available and being obtained and traded constantly.
Supply and demand exists and will impact prices whether you like it or not.

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Yes it does love.

I’m still burning through consumables from DF, except for food.

Make your own, buy the one or two star, or just skip it till the prices drop. You aren’t a world first raider, you can get by with lesser buffs.

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Ok so here is the problem, 2022 preowned Rolls Royce Phantom is $470,998,
that is not acceptable, I cannot farm money to drive the car.
Please increase whatever spawn of parts required for this to be crafted.

Rolls remember if you gatekeep majority of people from vehicles, they will not start shilling, they will buy Honda (CHECK LA2).

If you don’t like the prices other players are charging in the AH you can always craft it yourself. Honestly, for anything less than heroic raids and higher key M+ you don’t need anything more than buff food.

to you, maybe. But it is obviously very acceptable to the people buying the flasks.

Maybe I should stop giving them away and start selling them.

I store my R3 mats on the auction house so I don’t accidentally use them for work orders. I posted a bunch of herbs at greatly inflated prices so they wouldn’t sell yesterday and I get on this morning and they are all sold.

People were obviously buying flasks at that price or no one would have bought my herbs.

This also makes it incredibly annoying to level alchemy skills in the first place.

I guess I know what I’ll be selling tonight when I get home from work…

Even if Blizzard increased the number of raw materials coming the prices won’t come down for a while. People want to recoup their money; people farming will want to hold onto that high profit margin for as long as possible. And as long as people low-ball commission crafters will be selective on what they make that maximizes their profit to re-coup expenses.