Fixing Human kingdoms

Unless you have any proof that arcane magic was being used and not just elemental fire that was boosted by shamans that is pure fanfiction/headcannon

ā€¦did not you read what I posted earlier?

The arcane-touched payloads crashed into the branches of Teldrassil, each bough the size of an ordinary tree itself.

A charred stump that is likely being affected by an arcane payload is what you posted, without mentioning where you got that it was a arcane payload and not elemental fire

I am literally posting the source:

Rutā€™theran Village, its docks crowded with night elves, was the first to be consumed. Those not killed outright tumbled into the water, screaming in agony as the cold brine brought not relief but only further shock . . . then death.

The arcane-touched payloads crashed into the branches of Teldrassil, each bough the size of an ordinary tree itself. The fire caught quickly. Shaman in Darkshore conjured winds to amplify the flames. Sparks danced like vicious imps from bough to bough, leaving crackling crimson and orange in their wake.

Now you are. You didnā€™t in the post I responded before

I think that maybe it would be okay to make Ashenvale an in-game Alliance zone in exchange for making Dustwallow Marsh an in-game Horde zone and develop ogre civilization there. Seems like a fair trade to me.


Iā€™d be down for that, yeah. One zone goes pure Horde, another goes pure Alliance.

No, why should the Alliance give up a zone that was our for a zone, that should be ours as well?

honestly, at best I wouldnā€™t mind if the Alliance gave up some of its Cata zone(like Honor stand) to kick out the Horde from Ashenvale.

No, why should the Alliance give up a zone that was our for a zone, that should be ours as well?


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Dustwallow March has always been more of Alliance zone then it ever was a Horde one.

ā€¦No, it hasnā€™t, if anything itā€™s always been equal.

Stonemaul Ogres


Hell, the Stonemaul held more territory within Dustwallow (before they were driven out of their original village by the Black Dragons.) whereas Theramore just hadā€¦ well, Theramore and a couple guard towers.

Theramore is now gone and the Stonemaul are all that remain.


Also, ā€œzone that should be oursā€ Alliance ainā€™t getting Dustwallow and Ashenvale to itself.


We donā€™t even know how much they held! Regardless, by the time Theramore was in full swing it controlled more then the Stonemaul. And while yes the Stonemaul are all that remains, if the Alliance was interested in taking back its old Territories(like Turaylon seems to want, Theramore would be one of those on top of the list)

Well the Hordeā€™s not getting back the Barrens or removing Tirigarde Keep then.

ā€¦We do know how much they held because itā€™s in the game.


Well the Hordeā€™s not getting back the Barrens or removing Tirigarde Keep then.

We will see. Who knows, maybe if the Alliance gets Dustwallow thereā€™ll be a bunch of New Horde in Elwynn & Westfall? Youā€™ll get your own equivalent of Tiragarde Keep and Northwatch and we all know the ā€œHorde Biasā€ (actually Alliance bias but i digress)

We donā€™t even know how much they held! Regardless, by the time Theramore was in full swing it controlled more then the Stonemaul

Again, no it didnā€™t.

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They held a Village, lost said village and move to Brakenwall, there has never been anything to state their territory was ever larger then the amount of territory Theramore controlled at its peak.

Like that would be any different from where we were in Cata. You know the blackrock did attack Elwynn and we had to kill them right?

They held a Village, lost said village and move to Brakenwall, there has never been anything to state their territory was ever larger then the amount of territory Theramore controlled at its peak.

The same can be said for Theramore.

Like that would be any different from where we were in Cata. You know the blackrock did attack Elwynn and we had to kill them right?

Except those Blackrock Orcs were never allied with the New Horde and that was the sole extent of the Blackrock involvement in Elwynn. They never established any form of actual base in the forests.


They had a village, Theramore is a CITY. The implication has always been Theramore was bigger then whatever the Stonemauls had.

Depends on how you view it. Those blackrocks were from Blackrock mountain so depending on when Malkorok joined Garrosh they might have already been part of the Horde/were already on their way to joining the Horde.

They had a village, Theramore is a CITY. The implication has always been Theramore was bigger then whatever the Stonemauls had.

Yes, Theramore is a city but itā€™s still only one location at the end of the dayā€¦ as is Brackenwall.

Depends on how you view it. Those blackrocks were from Blackrock mountain so depending on when Malkorok joined Garrosh they might have already been part of the Horde/were already on their way to joining the Horde.

Those Blackrock Orcs invaded during the Cataclysm after the Dark Horde had allied itself with Deathwing when the Dark Horde was an actual thing in the lore. Malkorok and the Blackrock Orcs that followed him were in the Horde after the Cataclysm.


Lorewise the people of Theramore lived beyond its wall. Hence why Garrosh was able to capture civilians.

We actually donā€™t know ā€œwhenā€ Malkorok joined Garrosh, his joining date is kinda vague. It could have been during Cata itself as well.

Regardless, I would also point out the Shatterspear tribe, official Horde members, are also in Alliance territory of Darkshore. Part of the Wetlands(also should be Alliance territory) are controlled by the Dragonmaw. Same with Twilight Hightlands. There are plenty of areas in WoW that should be Alliance but have been taken over by Horde forces.