Fixing Faction Balance in TBC

Give Alliance Humans [Every Man for Himself] the way it was introduced in the WoTLK prepatch. That one Racial made people want to go alliance for PvP. Instead of nerfing or taking away spells that made Horde the superior faction for PvP, make the Alliance stronger to match it.
[Every Man for Himself] was technically in TBC… it was just really late.
(Maybe giving both faction paladins the same seals could help as well. idk, just a thought)


Why do you feel that it is acceptable to give away the unique racial that is the greatest advantage for Blood Elves, but it is unfathomable to make the two races neutral, so that no favoritism either way exists?

Both race’s cities literally aid both factions with gold and items to assist their dominance. That is literally precedent for both races being neutral. What twisted logic makes people resist neutralizing both consistent with their roles in the literal game world? #nochanges ? NEWS FLASH: #changes happened and keep happening.

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But I wanna play as a Night Elf.

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Wrath pre-patch is not TBC…


Faction specific layer caps. This is the way.

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Why do I believe a 2 second silence that was removed from the game for over 10 years worth keeping? I don’t know, maybe because we had already experienced it for all these years in the past and it wasn’t a big deal?

Not sure what your point was, but you truly sound like you have no idea what my point was about. I want changes. I’ve wanted changes from day one because I knew no changes wouldn’t be perfect and that the community would complain over anything at the end of the day.
You’re clearly blind towards other subjects that affect faction imbalance like anything PvP related. Take the BG queues for example. If Blizzard can find a way to have both factions share the same queue length, I couldn’t care one bit about who goes where. But give the horde new abilities that seem more attractive will just make the imbalance even worse.

but hey! I’m just some random guy on the internet that loves the game and wants to see it succeed. You seem like someone that loves to complain from what I’ve been reading all over Classic forums.

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Now that Horde has the advantage we should have EQAULITY? HA!

Where were you when Classic dropped? Why didn’t you scream for EQUALITY then?

It was ok when Ally had the advantage in Classic right?

Do you even understand why alliance had the advantage?
Or just uneducated towards this subject?
Because last I checked, majority of PvP servers are horde dominate.
Do you know why Horde has a longer BG queue?

yeah, wanting more people to stay or go alliance would be better actually.
it’s not that funny.

Oh and I was screaming for equality from day one. Reason why i started as alliance.

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Not a single post from you asking for balance in Classic.

As far as balance in Classic goes…Ally have a MAJOR advantage in both PvP and PvE. Can you imagine still debating this to this day when there is proof posted on third party tracking sites?

Bring me Classic FRESH. Pass on this BC business until 1 more run through Classic thanks.

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We already have balance in classic. Roll a Druid, it’s one of the specs.


You do realize how easy it is to get around that right?

NO! Alliance only has pve advantage therefore both factions kinda even out. On TBC horde has pvp and pve advantage even getting the better version of paladins, its beyond stupid.

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Warcraftlogs says otherwise.

Yes, Blizzard. Trust the players to know what’s best for your game. That’s worked out so well over the years…

Just release TBC as it was, the changes being put forward by the community will likely have their own drawbacks. Just don’t release fresh TBC and that’ll keep faction rerolls down.

So what your saying is… reboot classic completely… make it fresh and then in two years or so release tbc???

Well aside from missing improved scaling of the draenei racial in wrath this is all good ideas. If blizz doesn’t at least try to do some of the things you and the community suggests for balance the cue times for battlegrounds on the horde side will make current cues a joke not for av but for all battlegrounds.

Giving alliance the dps seal and horde the tank seal will make the game a bit easier which might be a side effect as paladins can be either ret or prot. But the real ret paladins are in wrath not tbc.

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It’s not the devs job to balance classic or TBC.

Even if it was it’s an impossible task.

Won’t make a difference. Belfs could tank with righty, humans could ret with SoCom. Were they slightly less effective? Sure. Was it game breaking and removed the ability to perform the tank or dps role for that race? No.

The horde will have prot pallys, the alliance will have rets regardless of what people think.

In top end premade vs premade games alliance has the advantage over the horde in pvp as long as everyone is playing optimal races. So warriors are gnomes priests and palas are dwarfs etc. If you seen apes in arathi basin tournament alliance does not even need rogues at all to defend bases thanks to night elf hunters.

Oh, that wording was just really bad. Yeah, BiS races are good, but I’d still argue Orcs are insanely strong as are Undead for the same reasons Gnome and Dwarf are.

Shadowmelded Hunters are great for stopping ninja caps though, yes.

priests and palas are dwarfs