[FIXED FOR MANY] Cannot complete "I Pitied the Fool" Love is in the Air achievement

They could also just make it work outside of the instance, next to the Meeting Stone, that way they don’t have to mess with making the toy usable indoors or anything.


For sure.
It used to work that way (and also inside the instance).

It’s more intuitive if we can assume it wants us inside the instance, but working at the summoning stone is better than nothing and it never hurt anything so I’m not sure why they went out of their way to make it so you have to be inside.


Tried on a vulpera (my main level 80) and my undead (level 78 but been around a long time) and could not place the box or the toy inside nax.


Blizz this was going to be my year of finishing the world events I was going to pay you for the full year… Ok I already did but please fix this or remove it from the achievement please!


Just a reminder that we only have 4 daily resets left before the Holiday ends.

Only 2 if we assume Blizzard isn’t going to be doing hotfixes over the weekend.

If it doesn’t happen by Friday, I’m not expecting much.

Hopefully the fact that they hotfixed a different holiday achievement yesterday means they’re working on them now.

But if not, be prepared to shift into “remove Naxx from the achievement” mode, because that’s what’s left - Waiting a year to see if it’s been fixed is not an acceptable solution.

I had someone on Reddit confirm that it worked about 2 days after I made my Bug Report & Thread (meaning Saturday, I believe? Maybe Friday). They were playing on Retail. But they were EU.

So maybe there’s something Blizz can compare on the EU side of things to see what changed? Do they maintain it differently?


I’m also having the same problem. I would give people the achievement and then fix it for next year since there’s only a few days left. Would be frustrating waiting till next year to complete it.


Same issue. This is one of the last things I need to finally finally finally get the meta achievement and if they don’t fix the bug in the next few days we will all have to wait ANOTHER YEAR to get it. T_T

same here. the year i finally decide to start achievement hunting/mount farming and we are already off to a great start


I’m having the same exact issue.

Edit: NEW details to report, I am having the same issue in the Culling of Stratholme

I absolutely agree that it’s unacceptable for blizzard to leave this incompletable until next year. If it can’t be fixed in time, they must remove that item from the requirements to be fair.

Also, blizzard makes their ticket system intentionally difficult to navigate to decrease the amount of tickets they receive, and that’s garbage.


Have you tried using the love fool outside the house where the entrance is at? it can only be used outdoors just like mounts can be used outdoors.

It worked for me and managed to get that part of the criteria

edit: outdoors inside the dungeon i mean. you need to be inside the dungeon but when you get out the house inside the dungeon you can use it outside


This is crazy…please just fix it already or remove it!! I just want to move on with my life!


Day 3 of asking Blizz to do the right thing and remove this achievement from the Fool for Love meta

For those that missed it I will mention again that we are the casualties of a hotfix blizz made to prevent using the love fool toy in instanced content (M+/Raids/PvP)


Blizz still ghosting us I see.


This pitied love fool in Naxx is the last thing I need before I’m a love fool! D: come on! fix it or remove it before the event is over! :cry:


Small indie dev company, give 'em a break.


Even simpler solution, just spawn a permanent Love Fool in the instance and remove it when the event ends? Getting desperate here :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Bump for solution - my wife’s boyfriend is having this issue too. He’s not happy to say the least.


Just tried this with 6 people in a raid group hoping to find someone who can do it and everyone is having the same problem, Please fix soon.


I’ve bee checking this post religiously and have tried it every single day to no avail. I fear the light has forsaken us.


I appreciate you

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