Fix your stupid loot system

And this sums up exactly why people hate the WoW community in general.

because people roll on loot? seems weird to hate over people rolling on loot for a kill that they participated in as well.

these posts of player x got an item and wouldn’t trade it to me reeks of main character syndrome.


Rolling need purely because they can… you get a laughable amount of gold when someone actually needs the item. The wow community is full of pure trash. 3 year olds are better at sharing.

Also you see it in LFR CONSTANTLY. “hey I don’t need this anyone want it?” Like wth you rolling need for if you don’t need it?

ah yes cuz other games are sooooo much better and never ever have drama over silly little one’s and zero’s.

Wanting the gold from the gear drop is perfectly valid as well. Gold has myriad uses in the game. Who are you or anyone else to say who ‘deserves’ to roll on a piece of gear?

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they are the arbiter of fairness and decency obvs


The level of stupid required to run a dungeon for 40g is next level.

I’ll take gold just for repairs, especially when half the tanks in LFR can’t be bothered to taunt at all.

This is what people whined for.

This is what happens when you get rid of personal loot.

Its just cringe.

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Not saying this is a bad idea, but it’ something that has plagued games for a long time even before the Need before Greed system evolved. Just because you want something doesn’t mean you need it and just because you need something doesn’t mean you want it. That’s how I have always rolled when in game or life.

When I am presented with the option, I will pass on items a lot. Sometimes because it is less than an item, I already have but once upgraded might be better, I don’t know if it will, so I pass. I don’t join group content to get something out of it more than having fun.

If you ever played Ever Quest, you know there where locations people would just go to level hang out even though the loot in the area would never benefit you or your class. Just enjoy the game and have fun, not everything is about some pixel that helps your DPS or HPS but the commodity of the adventure.

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They’re probably there for a reason aside from just the gold, but if they can pick up some of that as a bonus along the way, I don’t really see a problem with that.

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personal loot was awful to youd get an ilvl upgrade for a piece you didn’t want, and now cant trade it. so it gets stuck in your bag at least now I have the option pass on garbage the boss drops.

Most of these kids would lose their mind if they a fraction of the stuff that happened in EQ happened in WoW. Can you imagine if being a troll/loot goblin/whatever carried the damaged reputation the way it did in EQ?

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I think people are more likely to get upgrades with group loot vs personal loot (especially if playing rare classes.) Exceptions: people playing tanks and healers in a guild group.

People complained just as much about loot with PL and they had less of a chance of getting what they wanted than they do now.

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now I’m not saying your wrong here but this is nostalgia and the old way of the internet, its what was going on in the internet of 2001, were 2023 I mean hell look what happened in classic wow 2005 and vanilla in 2019 times change and so did gaming player base as a whole.

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i am a healer (in a guild) and every tier we start by funneling the dps as much gear as we can 4 sets weapons ect. i still think group loot is 1000 times better because we as a collective can decide how that gear gets spent early on instead of the game rng’ing it to someone.

i do think lfr should have kept pl literally cuz its lfr and who care’s but thats a different topic

“time has passed its cool for people to be degenerates now and I will defend that behavior”


But what incentive do they have to trust this? There would’ve been nothing to stop your guild from kicking them from the raid after they filled a void that you needed them to fill.

How are you defining need, though? I suspect that a lot would agree that taking an item specifically to vendor for gold wouldn’t qualify. But the people looking to further control who can press need in raid don’t stop at just vendoring the item. Many times it’s someone inspecting a person wearing a much higher item level (different) item in that slot and determining that person didn’t need it, with total disregard for secondary stats or special effects that make item level a poor metric for determining power level.

This is such a disingenuous take. I highly doubt many people are queuing for LFR for the opportunity to win an item to vendor, just that once an item the system will allow them to roll on drops they won’t use, they figure they helped contribute to the kill and deserve a fair shot at it.

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Imagine losing a roll to an Iguana.