FIX your game! People are able to maliciously give other people the "Deserter" buff when they are not afk

Yes you read it right, people are maliciously able to give other people the deserter buff even when they aren’t actually afk. If you win or lose while the “afk” debuff is applied to you because someone reports you, you instantly get deserter even though you don’t leave and you aren’t AFK.

Example: Some clown reports you afk when your in WSG and you are about to cap and win, it applies the AFK debuff countdown where you have to attack an enemy to remove the debuff, the game ends because you won, since you had the debuff at the time you win it gives you Deserter, you get no credit for the win and now you cannot queue for 15 minutes.

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This happens a lot.

Even if you disconnect and log back in with the match over and you are still technically on the scoreboard which shows a win with honor earned you will not earn conquest and will not be credited for the first win of the day either. And you are given a deserter timer too.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

They have unfortunately roped in afk with gameplay sabotage. If a melee that doesn’t know what they are doing with the artifact after being asked several times to hand it over to a ranged, it’s gameplay sabotage. If I call out all demos to glaives, or you take a glaive directly to the gate, it’s gameplay sabotage. If you lust at the beginning of a fight and leave, listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage! I have had it with trolls. Errrybody who doesn’t listen has a chance of getting reported, and not just by me either.

I totally used it selfishly before to win a 1 vs 5 in IOC. I’m not sorry about it!

That’s different that lusting and then leaving.

Lust and thrust is the name of the game.

Happened to me just now. Was fighting 10 seconds prior to it happening. I’ve been playing wrath pre patch and its just rampant in AV whenever people get upset. its only ever happened to me in games in which i type in /bg. blizz keeps closing these discussions cause they can’t do anything aside from maybe removing the “right click name in chat + report player option”

just noticed 2 different report player options when right clicking someones name in chat. odd…

There are different sub-categories under each option.