Can still play the game, better than what we had before. Unless you’re arguing for them to bring back the susp, which I’m fine with too. :3
Well, I left two possible solutions that make sense, so you know what my stance is.
So people shouldn’t be penalized for harassment or anything?
Yeah, we really don’t need to throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
Hire enough GM’s that reports can be manually handled in a timely manner.
There, it wasn’t complicated.
Blizzard needs to just hire people to deal with these things
Having an auto silence system doesn’t work well, and is easily abused
Bottom line is Blizzard doesn’t want to fork over the money to pay GMs to handle it properly
If it wasn’t that complicated, why haven’t they done it? Y’all have been saying this since 2016, and still no change.
You get a system warning before you get squelched.
If you are ignorant of this fact and dont care about other peoples game experiences because you are allowed to sell something so you continue to disrupt chat by spamming your 2-3 line boosting macro every 30 seconds, you deserve to be muted.
He didn’t even leave the game. He plays it on an alt account.
That’s not true at all lol… unless they changed it recently (within the past 2 years?)
I have friends that have been victims of false/bogus chat reports in the past, and in each case there was no “warning” of any kind. The mob/herd/group of friends simply right-clicked —> mass-spammed the “report Language” button and the friend was silenced literally a few seconds later.
The only notice of any kind they received was the standard/automated “Account Action” email that comes along with the penalty, after the fact.
they could ban all would be cheaper and simpler. you probably wouldnt like it.
Wouldn’t like what? Boosters getting banned?
I’ve never used any boosting service or purchased one so wouldn’t bother me
I just have an issue with a system that allows a group of friends or a guild to ban together and get someone silenced. And then the person who was silenced has to jump through the hoops to have it lifted when they never should’ve been silenced in the first place.
I don’t know if that’s what happened in the OPs case, but the current system allows it to happen regardless, and it shouldn’t.
Now when a booster tries to spam, everyone reports him and he gets squelched. This is good.
Not really. It’s more like someone is advertising a service that does not violate the ToS and is instantly hit with multiple reports and squelched until a GM can be bothered to look at it. Which is why the automated squelch is a bad idea
There’s a blue post somewhere stating the new policy is aimed at communities and spammers. You hardly see any spammers these days and those who try to spam get the hose again. The system is working great. If you’re getting squelched then you’re probably annoying everyone by abusing the rules.
People are abusing the report function by spamming report at anyone advertising a boosting service whether they are break the rules or not.
Not really. The system is very easy to exploit and all it takes to get squelched is for people to organize and report someone in en-masse to squelch them. Which isn’t that hard for a guild or group of people to do.
You are welcome to simply Ignore the player in question, if we’re talking the usual disagreement/argument in a chat channel or an occasional toxic player.
As for actual harrassment, say, a player cycling thru multiple alts to whisper you/get around Ignore, that’s when a short ban or suspension might be appropriate.
Just another friendly reminder… WoW existed from 2004-2015 just fine before “silence” ever existed, and most players regard the early 2004-2010 community as being friendlier/better than the “modern” snowflake-y 2022 community we have now. I know, I know… you find the idea preposterous, but it’s true
For years the spammers have rendered the chat channels useless with bots that advertised walls of text on 5s delays. You won’t find any sympathy for spammers, whether they are “legitimate” or not. No one wants to see that crap anymore. The squelch functionality is not perfect but it keeps spammers out and that’s a good thing.
No one is talking about spammers lol. We’re talking about people that make an advertisement, in the trade channel, getting flagged for spam because they posted an ad once every five minutes and people are salty over seeing the word “boosting” in a legitimate non-spamming advertisement
So every 5 minutes you interrupt the chat to remind everybody how bad things were when bots were allowed to spam with impunity and then you wonder why you’re squelched?