Fix Tagging NOW!

But being in a raid will not drop the things you need for the quest.

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Should make up a song about “Degenerate Gameplay”. I’m humming it now to the toon of Jinglebells.

This was a nonsense decision. It’s very hard to actually tag anything. Fix it please.


Looks like they hotfixed it so Elites won’t get greyed out.

Still not enough though, there’s so few elites. Lol.


While I don’t disagree I think it is designed like this because of players abusing realm hops for material gathering

Except you can join raid groups and farm said materials. Lol.

inept apathy. the game is festering with it.

is this about the two quests for primeval essences?
very confused.
I got them done in like 2 minutes each

I completely agree, this tagging issue makes the Primal Invasions a complete frustration


I have had no issues getting tags on mobs I need items from on this character or my 3 druids I have been taking in …and not in a group either just by myself and guess I am faster then most on targeting open mobs …

Grey mobs grey mobs everywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

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Its supposed to be a MMO you play with other players. Grey tagging never should have been a thing to start with.


They just need to fix this period. Not only for the event.


Agreed this should never have been a thing. Open world content needs to be open world content, not content for first 5 people lucky enough for the server to consider them hitting it in time.

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At this point it’s…
Tab, Grey, tab, Grey, tab, green SHOOT, tab…


Pretty much run a circle getting a hit on anything and everything I can, and then looting in the next lap lol!!