Fix reckoning and hand of justice

“Normally if you’re sitting down you would not get Reckoning charges from auto-attacks. However, you could gain charges from random NPCs by constantly sitting and standing up due to server lag: mob would try to attack you as your were sitting, so it’d be a forced crit. However, if you stood up just as you were getting hit, the server would see you as if you were standing and get a Reckoning charge.”

^^^that was written by Baconn - the Paladin who wrote the stickied Reck guide in 1.10^^^

Poster: Baconn at 5/25/2006 11:30:17 AM PDT
Subject: Guide to Reckoning V2 (Current 1.10)

plus these videos show it in action:

Aug 8, 2006

originally published on warcraft movies on 2006-02-24

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