FIX MMR its killing PVP

can twitch chat rally behind nerfing sub rogue next?

Hopefully it’s for ALL brackets, not just 2’s/3’s or shuffle.

I think this is super needed, infact it’s Friday we are starting the weekend. Why do we have to wait to fix the game until after the weekend all the time.

first round of ret nerfs went in as an emergency hotfix, can’t stuff like this hit same day?


Have you not played this season as melee?

Doesn’t have to be equal to the T, but come on…

Melee was crying about psyfiend as well for the longest time and they all 1-tapped it. They couldn’t process getting off an spriest for 1 sec.

Literally the dumbest and most laziest group of players.

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You guys really seem like your out of touch with the players. So you nerfed rating substantially in RSS to be more aligned with a heavily deflated and ratings weak environment in rated 3s…

Make that make sense. The insane swings in rating from season to season are awful. The complete lack of any semblance of progression kills the ability for players to see and measure growth. These changes are being done so haphazardly.


We need healers to shorten the long queue!

Please give healers additional incentives! Gold, extra rating for winnings, less loss of ratings if losing.

I am not a healer, but I wan the healers have more benefits!


Like still not fixing the issue just saying “Higher rates” in which you should’ve done is reset it to how it was in season 1 for shuffle and let inflation go up in 2’s and 3’s at whatever rate you wanted. Why hardcap both rating and MMR? Still not fixing the broken classes either.

thanks god i was barely stop doing pvp because of these glad i see in the 1600 to 1900

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That might actually be the issue. We all need to heal as an off spec to do our part.

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Too little, too late, just remove solo shuffle and revert inflation back to shadowlands.

Shuffle is trash bracket that destroyed participation in all 2s 3s and RBG brackets.

I think it’s because in case the fix is bugged, they’ll have people at work.

For example, let’s say their MMR fix gives everyone +2400 rating. If this happens during the weekend, it won’t be fixed for a couple of days.

I think RSS revealed a lot of people don’t particularly enjoy 2s or old 3s.


Blizzard: Don’t worry, we’re fixing it!

Blizzard fixing it:

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Every 3 wins rounds won as healer——> account bound token that gives 4 fast dps queues

I feel like this might cause the conq catchup or echo of nyalotha issue where you have people intentionally deranking to farm out a high volume of wins on an alt.

Like, if every game at 900 mmr just becomes discs taking turns afking so they can collect their tokens for their main, and people who don’t do this end up sitting queues that are 10-20 minutes longer.

cap the tokens at 12 and make this offense perma bannable

Then it becomes a matter of detection which is tricky. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Ye, this might be fine then.

Kinda fried how this is the only pvp game with no in game replay system


Did they cobble something together for the AWC?

Or are they literally just playing back video?

Actually, now that I think about it, it’s all video. They never pause and shift their view when they discuss the game afterwards.

That’s just replaying footage rather than being able to go back and rewatch the game, like, in-game. In League I can always go back and even check other players points of view or whatever.

You can record your screen, though, which is decent. OBS or that one arenarecorder thing are good.