Fix Heirlooms

I’m personally a fan of the idea I think Wild had where you get an xp bonus per max level character

(1)60 = 1% bonus xp
(2)60 = 2% bonus xp
(3)60 = 3% bonus xp

Don’t think about the percentage too much that would be something Blizz decided but that’s the general idea.

My idea to solve that was to make a new loom

Return heirlooms to the stats they had before they made almost all of them crit, haste, or crit haste. I bought 2 sets so I would have all the stats any class would need, and then they homogenized them so half of mine are completely redundant and I have tanks leveling in caster gear.

It’s a good idea and I like it. But I doubt it’ll happen. Nice job on that, though! :smiley:

I doubt it too :laughing: but it’s fun coming up with idea’s


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