Fix destro lock

No thanks… keep locks in the gutter and Make arena great again.

One look at their seramate will tell you they’re serious.

It’s hilarious.

No, lock is a boring pet spec, a historically rot/dot spec, and a historically bursty single target casted spec.

Completely different roles that should have completely different playstyles. Frost mage historically is closer to destro than aff lock is in terms of playstyle.

It’s just a better destro at the moment, it rots and bursts better than destro. It’s a class design problem 100%.




No thank you.

I think portals being functioning with such high damage and having rng variance the way they do as well as ignoring LOS once cast made it REALLY toxic when they were as strong as they were in s3 prior to literally 3 nerfs.

I’m all for buffing conflag/incinerate/shadowburn, though.

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I don’t think this is fair to say.

I think this is absolutely a hyperbole.
I think that it’s VERY fair to talk about a pure dps soec like rogue/lock/mage/hunter and talking about another strong spec to swap to and that’s VERY different from comparing a melee dps to a healer role of the same class.

I agree with the second half, but destro just feels like budget aff atm tbh.

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They do entirely different things, you can call it hyperbole if you want but the point remains. It is absurd to say to someone “Just reroll this spec” that plays entirely differently than the one you enjoy just like it’s absurd to tell a melee to reroll a healer.

They do different things, I do not enjoy the way the other one plays, that is why I don’t play it.

It is a budget aff, which is why they need to gut the aoe and buff the single target of it.

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Nah different playstyles or dmg profiles aren’t really comparable to another role

Esp when specs are similar, like aff is just good destro


They 100% are.

Aff lock plays to rot, demo lock plays to ruin the game, destro plays to kill in burst windows. (Or at least it’s supposed to)

This would be the point of the thread, it should not be like that.


I’m not sure whats worse, lock propaganda, warrior propaganda, or rogue propaganda.

If you want more damage in your builders it’s coming out of bolt.
Sorry, that’s just how it’s going to go.

tru nerf bolt by 10% and buff incin by 50% and conflag by 150%

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Nerf bolt by 15%, buff incine by 30%, buff conflag by 80% and buff lava bursts created by overloads by 5%. :wink:

No opinion on locks, tbh.

Warrior is the eternal victim class. They’re not happy until they can 1 shot you through your CDs while being immortal so they don’t have to worry about anything else. Even then, they would complain about something.

Rogues are delusional too… not warrior delusional, but getting up there.

So… warrior… definitely warrior, imo.


Not like, flame rift lvl of buff, dw. Just a bit stronger.

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More dmg on those = more space / more pressure = destro a lot more viable rn = we’re happy.

Couldn’t even imagine playing destro into like ret/war, or jungle, or thunder rn. Sounds miserable.

Idk if they good or not but i was watching this eu warlock crit for 3mill yesterday. I don’t even watch wow pvp videos on YouTube but it just showed up on the side of my screen so i clicked it.

Edite: found it on my YouTube history.

This is a suggestion that’s been thrown around ever since they’ve prioritized AoE dmg over single target in most of the specs’ dmg profiles.

Tbh, looking back historically (preferably since pre-BFA) - when has any spec’s dmg potency been reliant on aoe for nearly an entirety of an expac’s duration? Besides maybe boomy.

0 haste full mastery immolate spec destro lock is really really OP vs people that play with their monitors turned off.


3d lock spec not being S++++ right now is our top priority for sure.

These pvp tuning patches happen so often these days, right?

All the specs in the game play in 3d. This isn’t paper Mario lil bro