Fix destro lock

You went 3-3 on Jan 7th @ 1600 mmr wym.

6 monks and not one above 2k in any bracket that isn’t 2s


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Yea u right bro im garbage

You can be kicked through glare btw.

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Beat you yesterday in 2v2 with an arms warrior

Your pally just needs to hoj when i dispel coil on havoc

Find a new healer, that one holds you back big time

That might be one of the best worded explanations I have heard in a long time hahaha


You beat me in a matchup you should never lose, congratulations.

My pally does hoj when coils get dispelled, oddly enough fitting to the title of the thread my class doesn’t do enough damage to capitalize on it.

Yeah nah I think I’ll keep playing with my friends, would much rather play with them than someone with an attitude like yours. Enjoy 2s I guess though, you clearly take it a lot more seriously than I do.


Arms/mwer into hpal destro?

Every single havoc we need to make skill plays and your pally can easily win that for you by cross ccing, he was just sitting max range doing literally nothing.

No he doesn’t

Didn’t do it a single time when we fought

You win in a single coil/hoj if you just double bolt shadowburn with pally damage

the only reason why you lost is because I got the instant dispel on the havoc coil (point blank) which was one of the sickest plays I made all season. The warrior I was playing with literally called me a cheater

Warrior should never lose into lock atm, correct.

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Destro/hpal on mugambala?

Into arms/mwer?

Lock should win that matchup with their eyes closed

Drexxia is good, but he holds havoc/coil way to much and the healer he plays with is awful

Yes, there hasn’t been a season outside of like what, corrupted destro? where arms warrior has been at a disadvantage into destro in 2s with a healer.


my pally was hojing the kill target off coil like i wanted them to, what do you want them to do, half rep you with havoc on you?

Yeah I mean you can just lie I guess but they definitely did.

I mean if you’re dying to this you’re just playing bad man. Not only do you have a million tools to use when havoc pops up on your screen with a weakaura, even if I get the go off you can just trade normally and never die. Especially as mw.

bro you sat 40 yards away so the coil that hit you hits 2 seconds later. That is not a sick play, that is basic game mechanics people have done since mop.

Glad you got a kick out of it man, enjoy the victory parade.

It’s your game to lose, you need to outplay us 1 time

You make a single good play and you win

You guys have 0 teamwork and your hpal was completely lost. Stop making excuses and get better

Presses dispel 1 time and his warrior thinks he’s cheating

Low bar, but go off

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I don’t think you understand how the game works, and that’s okay. Just really wild you insult my teammates while also not knowing what you’re talking about.

The fact that you don’t know how hard it is to instant dispel point blank coil during havoc is why you’re not a good lock

Yea you’re clearly better than me getting rolled by someone you counter

I told you how to win, do it or don’t I like free points anyway

You are 1600 my guy, how do you have an ego this big. Destro is god tier awful right now, doesn’t do near enough dmg outside of bolts to kill anything.

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Alright gonna assume you’re trolling at this point and I’ll stop biting, well played getting me to reply.

Have a nice day.


Yea I’m one of the worst players in this thread for sure

LMAO. The envy is wild.

I agree, yes.

Now back to the topic, buff destro conflag/incin/portals :+1:

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How can you talk crap to someone with 3 rank 1 titles in shuffle, and like 10 glad titles, while you have what, 1 glad title?