Well you need as many rezzes at a GY as you have dead people there, otherwise some of them stay ghosts. And the cave allows 20 people to rez at a time, which early on in AV is quite common for horde to have there.
I have 100% winrate in AV. Get owned.
So if the prerequisite for convincing Blizzard to change things is that both factions hate it, and currently both factions agree the cave respawn mechanics need to be changed…
The only disadvantage with the cave respawn is that 20 hordes can rez instead of 10 hordes. It’s very rare you need to rez more than 10 persons in 30 seconds.
They can change the map. It won’t change the win rate though.
I mean, arent the shorter queue times a good trade off for alliance? Us horde sit in queue 2+ hours for a guaranteed win but y’all could prob do 3 to 4 in that amount of time for the aame amount of honor? Seems fair to me
Just popping in to say that 2 AV’s last week got me halfway through rank 7.
This game is so whack lol.
/10 chars
LOL what… Why can’t it be shorter ques as a result of the map being fixed and the better people winning and actually deserving the increased honor.
That few people still ranking on your server alliance side?
I was standing 600, went from 90% into rank 6 to 42% into rank 7. It was 13,000 honor from 2 AV’s.
Seems like the better pug ranking option even if they are losses for Alliance side too.
AV is dead until TBC, accept this.
They gotta stall at a couple of GYs for 200-300hks but yeah, its not bad.
No changes is what most people wanted and what Blizzard promised.
Then they made a lot of changes. Pulling out the no changes card at this point is stupid.
Unless you also support rolling back all the changes blizzard has made, but most horde are perfectly fine with the changes blizzard made that favor them.
I’m not so sure pinching alliance at stonehearth gy is that much of an advantage since it divides horde’s force but let’s take for granted it
It’s useful in that you can attack from one direction and have the alliance overstretch then send a force from the other direction to cap the gy. I’ve seen it play out many times.
It’s horrible because we pay $15/mo for something Nostralius, a free private server didn’t have any issues with. In fact, Nost had the original AV in its verison.
…and classic wow killed pservers
So we will never have a good AV again.
pretty sure it will be resource based AV
pretty sure it will somehow be less fun