Is this a new Shadowlands Thing? I don’t think there was a single expansion in wow’s history that allowed a person who stubbornly refuses to group up to gear properly.
So you refuse to group up for 16 years and now you experience lack of gear? Dude, just group up. This is a group game, why are you harming yourself?
Yes, I’m sure it feels extremely bad playing a group game alone
How much gold you giving away?
I left during WoD because I got bored, it’s not a big deal come back when the game looks interesting to you. Azeroth will be waiting your return should you decide to come back.
Thank you! Will miss the game, a lot! 
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I actually liked WoD and BFA! Found nothing wrong with having extra loot to sell or destroy and get higher level Azerite pieces. They really need a currency setup in this expansion, beyond cov gear.
9days left, guess ill just farm, make some gold and possibly come back in a few months and play when i am not riding my motorcycle. 
the good ole days… I definitely miss valor/jp… Also miss the old honor/conquest system but it is what it is… First raid tier always is a slog fest, I usually don’t even play seriously until the 2nd raid comes out, then they usually make things a bit more interesting to gear as a solo player.
it is not a “group game” but you have the option to play solo or grouped content…
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You could solo visions for high lvl corrupted gear
That content was at the very end of the expansion. I’m sure there will be something similar to that at the end of Shadowlands. I wouldn’t say that’s a great example of replacing high-end raiding or mythic + gear.
That’s actually scary. Taking breaks is healthy.
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Damn since 2005 jeez I un subbed at least 20 times since 2014 when I started, just need to take a break man.
Bye, go find a nice singleplayer game. Skyrim is fun. 
OP, may you find some comfort in these difficult times.
Hug your loved ones, people.
The irony being the player comes from a period of the game when thats the only significant way you got gear. Group content.
In BFA, visions did offer a way for solo players to gear up. Even if the game started out as only grouping, and lfd didn’t exist, the game evolved to include that solo option content. Now it isn’t offered. It’s understandable that some people might be disappointed. I suppose Torghast could fill this optional solo content for gear.
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WoW should really be a “back burner” game for most people that are actually interested in getting good, new games in my opinion.
Developer loyalty is something I just don’t understand in an industry where competition is so crucial to innovation.
My sub expires on Jan 31st or so, I quit because of this reason. I tried 1 M0 PUG and got 2 bosses down before the team raged and broke up. The community is awful and even If they fixed the community (lol) and M+, Raiding, PVP, etc… I would be too far behind to want to start playing again.
I understand players asking for more varied content.
I don’t understand players that played vanilla, bc, or wrath complaining about being out-geared in SL…
You mean like daily quests?