First They Came

First they came with the spell batching,
And I did not speak out—
Because I was a casual player.

Then they came with paid character boosts,
And I did not speak out—
Because I was a new player.

Then they came for the dungeon finder,
And I did not speak out—
Because I was a solo player.

Then they came with the WoW Token,
And there was no one left to speak for me.


People have
been talking
about the
token since
before the
game launched.


Stop lying. Nobody in 2019 was even thinking about the token and WOTLKC wouldnt even exist if they were cus everybody would of quit.


We had hope, albeit misplaced, that the game wouldnt descend into a pay-to-win dumpster fire.


What character boost? I haven’t seen that on the classic shop at all. Did I miss it?

It’s been pay to win since the GDKPs of Vanilla Classic.


Most of the same people against the token were in favor of spell batching. “No-changers” are the reason we got that terrible implementation of spell batching and I was adamantly opposed from the very start because I understood the implications of it. Here’s me posting on my retail Warrior years ago:

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To be fair I did speak out against the boosts during TBC prepatch on my server.

It’s all been progressing to this. But I think when it so clearly benefits Blizzard monetarily in a direct way and they’ve been reducing service to customers for years… most players will just go elsewhere to be spat in the face.


Your poem is charming I suppose but lest we forget, the players asked for spell batching, character boosts, and the removal of the dungeon finder. YOU personally might not have, but these were all very much asked for by different members of the community.

Jokes on you.

August 2019.

I’ll wait for your nonsensical response or acknowledgement you’re wrong.

I’m sure I can find more too. This took all of 30 seconds for a google search.

… Crickets …


Is there a reason you keep posting? Nobody listens to your opinion given the scores of times you’ve been an obvious troll on these forums.

I quoted you, but didn’t bother to really read what you wrote.


Blizzard seems to, which is the only entity I’m concerned with.

Yeah yeah, that’s what they all say. Nobody listens to me, but you still take the time out of your day to reply. Your actions betray your words. If nobody listens to me, why did you bother responding to me? Why not just let me fade into the void with no one listening to me? Doesn’t make much sense.

Again, I’m pretty sure you wrote something about my replying and listening but I just tune it out.

I won’t reply again. I suspect the attention is why you do it.

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You will find god on these forums if you look hard enough. Nobody was talking about the WoW token actually being implemented into Vanilla.


Nice come back instead of just admitting you’re delusional/wrong.

Lol you found one post about WoW tokens in 2019 and think that justifies your point?

I have a bridge to sell you, with that brainlet level of thinking.

Nobody to any reasonable degree was talking about the token back then.


It’s very strange to me you continue to read my posts, reply to them, and then pretend as if you aren’t reading them.

We’ll see.

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I don’t recall inviting you to this conversation, but I’ll humor myself by providing context you’re clearly missing by inserting yourself into something you’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.

Dude said what “nobody in 2019 was even thinking about the token” (paraphrased). I provided proof they were discussing the token.

I don’t need more than one post to prove they’re wrong. “Nobody” is a very strong word. Especially when he’s trying to discredit someone else’s point.

I appreciate your attempt at trying though. Kudos.


Mans is probably just a super troll.

I don’t need your invitation. You can’t possibly be that arrogant.

As someone attempting to be intelligent I’ll just cut you down slightly by saying in proper English you shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition.

Toodle-oo to you my boy.