First One Tech Resurrects dead Players

When Players die in the Shadowlands the First One Tech spawns their Soul so that they can run to their Bodies(ignore Accolonn’s theorizing if it displeases you since it is of no consequence to the topic). Seems almost like a situation similar to how Argus revives Demons who die on it…

Seems it’s not just the Denizens of the Shadowlands who die permanently if they die in the Shadowlands but Mortals die there permanently as well.

Mortals are short-lived beings of Death in the end not beings of the other Cosmic Forces.

The Mortals of Azeroth, Argus and Draenor having ties to Death is unsurprising considering Death has ties to all their origins!

Those tied to the Old Gods are beings of Death due to the Old Gods using Dreadlord Death Magic alongside the Void. Same goes for the Draenor Natives who are descended from those who tapped into the power of the Dark Star.

The denizens of Argus are born from a Death Titan so they have ties to Death as well.

Trolls are tied to Bwomsamdi and Mueh’zala…

With all this it’s no wonder all Azeroth, Draenor and Argus Races will die permanently if killed in the Shadowlands! It’s fortunate the Heart of Azeroth bound us to First One Tech to keep us Players alive!

Gonna need the sauce, boss.


Pretty sure he’s referring to when we’re in the Maw and the Heart of Azeroth(?) is attuned to the First One technology, which powers it up, allowing us to TP to Oribos.

First One’s tech?

What, are we She-Ra now?


The First Ones are behind the Purpose and Oribos.

They also have ties to the Pantheon of Death and the Titan Pantheon of Order.

As for what the First Ones are: Who knows. They might turn out to be like the First Ones of Babylon 5 who drive off both the Shadows and the Vorlons.

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so its like soul society in bleach
im thinking best story arc confirmed

My thought exactly. And that plot about the other Night Warrior seems lifted from (new) She-Ra as well.

So we had the Old Gods. Old can be descriptive but not precise. Now, we will have the First Ones. What is going to be before them when Blizzard needs to find content for expansions? “The Even Firster Ones”? I think Blizzard is limiting itself.

More seriously… are they the first ones from a particular point? Like are they “The First Ones… to eat after Midnight” and become something other than what they initially were? For example: they could be the first mogwai to become green gremlins… meaning other mogwai may be around who didnt turn green.

I know none of us have the answer, but it makes me wonder. I could see myself approaching them and being like:

Me: “So. You’re the First Ones… First Ones of what?”

First Ones: “Why, we are the First Ones to ever be.”

Me: “Be… what? Alive? Dead? Purple?”


First Ones: Why, the first of everything. The first beings of creation, the first to lay out the stars… bestowed upon by the Long Gone Ones… Err, I mean… you didn’t hear that, we don’t talk about them… not for a couple more expansion and you find out we’re frauds and it was all just a certain point of view.


Model file is called “Graveyard Shrine”
Fatescribe Roh-Tahl calls it a “Touchstone”
In-game model when you hove over it called it a “Spirit Obelisk”