Droppin’ wood, makin’ mana!
Hey boiz and grills – it’s your boi Asmon-… er, Tribbleriff! errrr Tribalreef!
I’ve been back and forth on Firetree ever since Classic - and I’m back again playing with some buddies from Legion which include the legendary OG Darzabhimself and maybe even Harry (Ankhar) if he gets his act together and re-subs!
Really loved everything about playing Classic with all of you - tons of fond memories and awkward ish too, for sure.
Big shout-out to:
-Dedicated and its big-daddy Taim even though all that Warlock loot was NOT COOL!!
-Scourge of the Shadows & Shadowscourge - my hometown clowns from down under, lots of love for Psychnurse, Sloburn, Knyves even though you couldn’t DPS as well as Tribal :P, Z…Z…something I’m sorry man I forget your name but you know who you are!!! And last but first, my boi Galforth - miss you bruv! As well as of course all the others who I’m forgetting <3
-CATTIBRI WRU??? <3 <3 <3 “The one that got away”
-Cicily and her beautiful voice (Wanna date sometime?)
-No Life for continuing the fun in BC and beyond, and ofc Legion, despite all of the youknowwhat!
-Flatfeet, Holly, Git, Baconn, Iamtwelve, Xan, and all you other twerps who made PVP fun
-My man Swiftmurder for always showing me how much fun ninjalooting was
-All my family in Cry Havoc <3 you forever
-Cake and Ballaz for showing us how its done
-Our brother Devour for selling me all his characters and me attempting to sell them to go to college anyway :((((((((((((((( (would /timetravel back if I COULD!!!)
-Trollz4Lyfe bein’ true to each other - Love you Raje WRUUUU
-Last but First - my TRUE BROTHER Musculate for finding this and showing me, so that I could see all of your lovely faces, er, names once again <3 <3
Yours forever,
Ytok! <3 <3 <3 <3!!!
hah that’s awesome! I remember you as well! If you playing classic and on herod hit me up.
/wave naph!
Cast was GM of Quantum, I believe.
I played a tauren warrior on Firefree named Angkar, Darzab let me know about this post, it’s crazy seeing so many old names.
Although I played most of Vanilla as part of No Life I was in Infinitely No Life before then, and Australian Owned before then. I also played an Orc hunter named Klank in the early days of the server.
Shout out to old school warrior life crew Cadarn, Hexorb, Mitsune (Issen), Scurvy, retcarahc, Shaytan (Bhulrog), drednort.
And shout out to Mcfeely for talking mad s**t on forums back in the day.
Darzab, Tauren Warrior
Guilds: Shroud, Hooligans, Vanquish, No Life, The Aftermath
Seeks to reconnect with: everyone!!! <3 except Mcfeely
Hey there Darzab! You still have a level 4 alt in my guild. lol
Started playing near the end of Vanilla, troll priest - brigham. My brother played more, undead mage - baddiemage, or undead rogue - muertovivo. I believe he raided with RBoB, while i got into no life during Karazhan in BC, ended up going alliance in Wrath in chosen as paladin, Empeethree.
Dreddful - Mage
Great seeing all these names!
Guilds -
<Triads> which merged to make
<Fallen Requiem> which name changed to
<Elysian> when that died joined
<Dedicated> when that died we formed
<From Ashes> then merged into
<Strawberry Banana Fusion> then left to form
<Reviction> then merged into
<No Life> then due to only a handful of us being active we joined
<No Thanks> which I believe currently has the largest amount of active Firetree members Horde side.
Always happy to see old school Firetree peeps! Too bad so many will be spread amongst different servers in classic.
See yas in game.
Wrong toon
Mashpotatoes and I will be on Thalnos. Also, still looking for Pat, Web, Abe…
What’s up nerds, been kicking around the idea of picking up classic. I was Muertovivo the undead rogue and Baddiemage the undead mage although he’s a human now.
Hey guys I played on Firetree when it first came up and off and on for years.
Character names/Classes: Frantic (Orc Rogue), Incashaman (Enhance Shammy), Whiplash (Tauren Warrior)
Guilds: Angels of Avengence, Toolbox, some others I’m sure but those were my main two.
I was a big PvPer back when Firetree came up, Alliance is probably more aware of the guild I was in then (AoA). Did lots of Raiding in WoTLK on my Warrior in Toolbox was one of the main tanks. I did lots of raiding on my Enhancement shammy in BC.
I wonder if Aoni is kicking around, was a human rogue I had a bit of a rivalry with During Firetree’s early days.
Looking for Chunie the Druid!
Character Name: Hejduk
Guild: Scourge of the Shadows
Looking for any of the Kiwis that we used to raid with.
Also the below players
Rumblepak - PVPing against you for weeks in the 49 bracket is a fond memory as we fought to decide if warlock or paladin was more broken.
Baconn - Absolutely epic moments like the “Kill Baconn” bounty in Blackrock Mountain. I think everyone on Horde Firetree was killed by Baconn in Blackrock mountain at one point or another.
Alucard - Miss you my dude. Shadow Priest that I leveled for almost my entire journey. Left for military duty and never saw him come back on
I don’t miss you at all Ryan.
That’s what I heard as well. I stopped playing for about a week before that happened, and ended up joining Santorc and Dreddful in a guild they were in.
Xorthise is definitely playing. Just told him to come on here to reconnect w/ you.