Firelands Raid PTR Testing Begins on Friday, September 13

On Friday, September 13, we will open the Firelands raid for testing at 1:00 p.m. PDT (4:00 p.m. EDT).

We intend to keep the raid open for testing on the PTR until Monday, September 16.

See you there!

Are there any plans to speed up the acquisition of Firestones? It will be a huge letdown if we are left with only receiving 2-3 per raid. Also, when can we expect news on heroic+? The lack of communication since before Cata launched has been absolutely discouraging.

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I’m always confused why you guys give barely any notice for raid testing and then proceed to have it over the weekend when most guilds can’t/won’t raid on the weekend due to IRL commitments. Feels like there could be more communication regarding raid testing times and then maybe do a few more raid testing dates.


We’re going to open the PTR for the first round of raid testing Tuesday till 12am Sunday.

This way accommodates at least 1 raid day or more for guilds during the week and still gives the hardcore guilds Friday and Saturday night to spam PTR.


what does until Monday mean? Like Monday reset or through Monday? Is there a time for the end of the testing?

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I’m EXPECTING (not asking) that the legendary items are massively accelerated to get or a big cut on the cinders like retail from 1k to like 50 or 25 even.

They need to come forward to tell us what is going to be the plan for the legendary staff quest… considering that there’s so many casters players in raid cores that there’s a drama waiting to be unfolded for sure…



Do PTR days on Tuesday-Fridays for once are you all that clueless to when the majority of your players raid? or are you guys just laughing at us when you set these times up…

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Never that was the worst content added to the game 100% TRASH!!!

This way it DOESNT interfere with peoples normal Raiding time!!! that way they can do the normal raid days then do these!!!

Legendries aren’t for Everyone giving them out like candy on Halloween is horrible!!! Just because you want it doesnt mean your gonna get it!!!

This Firelands test has concluded.

Thank you to everyone who jumped in and tested with us!

We will post the dates for the next raid test soon.

By soon, do you mean two days before the next test or are there plans to give actual notice this time? Any thoughts on doing it over more than just a weekend?

lmao… sure

Also what is going to happen with the legendary staff quest items?

Love how open to feedback you were classic dev’s, amazing specially with fixing fire elemental and elemental tier bonus set and how open you seem to discuss the legendary staff questline too… it’s crazy this level of communication thank you…

Lol the Tier set bonus doesnt matter blizz really needs to focus on fixing FERAL DPS over some tier set bonus for a no brain dps class