Firefighter looking for guild

Anyone know of a guild specifically for first responders, firefighters etc with odd schedules like myself?

kinda specific but ok

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For real.

What specifically are you looking for? Flexible hours or other first responders to form a community with?

Well firefighters especially have crazy schedules, so it makes sense to look for a guild to accommodate.

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Both I guess. I play at work a lot and its hard to find people who will understand that sometimes I just have to leave.

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Back in the old days “brb cat’s on fire” happened more often than you would think…

You could make a guild for people who do PUGs I suppose. I know there are a lot of players that only PUG so it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Well, you’re welcome to check out our guild. Our Tue/Wed core raid is pretty structured, but our alt raid is very casual friendly :slight_smile:

Just entered the game world! See you in Azeroth!

I don’t know if there are specific guilds for first responders. Are you on call every day? Do you work like 3 24 hour shifts on call? What’s your schedule?

Don’t know of any, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that you are in the worst possible guild you could ever be in right now. :grin:

Firefighters are hot.

Can I wear your hat?

He’s looking to play TBC, not the cringe version of Vanilla.
Also: really, you guys pick up the server that will be dead on SoM in a month.

Ah, is that right? Well, here:

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