Fire Mage Needs More Than Just 5%

So with the 5% buff inc it got me looking more at fire mage. Currently fires damage profile is just bad. With flame strike and living bomb being so under tuned your main damage in AOE is mastery dot. In single target fireball is doing as low as 1.5 to 2% overall. I’m not sure a flat 5% overall is what this class needs. It really needs a full pass of the entire damage profile and some very undertuned talents.


It is wild to me that fire and frost are both getting buffed by the same amount. Fire needs a lot more than frost right now.


Fire isn’t as bad as people pretend it is. I see good mages pulling 50k+ overall in keys.

The 5% buff is a good start.

Not to be rude but 50k is pretty bad in the the +20s range

It is i just wish we had mechanical changes instead same with frost. Hoping that 10.0.7 and 10.1 will give us something good


This was on a mage without 4 set in 17s still gearing with a 390 monk tank so we weren’t doing massive pulls.

I wish they would kill SKB personally but its atleast playable now that IC is gone.

The problem comes when you look at their damage profile. And the fact that the talents that have been AOE baseline for years and years are just tuned way too low. This also isn’t putting into context of how they did compared to other classes in the dungeon.

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They were the top dps out of boomkin and shadow priest.

Ignite is tricky to buff. A 5% buff to everything indirectly buffs ignite more. So it might actually be a decent damage boost. We shall find out tho.

It won’t be. :slight_smile:

Fire’s damage profile is not bad. As a matter of fact, fire’s damage profile is one of the best in the game. Don’t confuse bad tuning with bad profile. Fire’s maximum aoe comes from maximizing its single target. That is incredibly powerful.

The only legit design flaw for fire is that the right side of the tree can never compete with ignite spread unless it is obscenely tuned. The solution currently is that we just use one build and pretend the right side of the tree doenst exist. That part sucks, but the one build we are left with is very good…it’s just undertuned.

And 5% on fire might actually be good enough. I was hoping for 10%, but this puts it in the neighborhood of potentially competitive to the meta. We’ll have to see logs once the buffs go live.

When your top ability is ignite and you don’t take a single aoe ability for keys, yes the damage profile is garbage.

No, the damage profile of fire is incredibly powerful. Honestly too powerful. You can call it obtusely over powered, but saying its “bad” in a negative light is just a wrong opinion.