Fire Mage LF Heroic/Early Mythic guild

Hey I have a 435 Fire Mage looking to get back into raiding.

I do only have AOTC this season and haven’t really done as much as I would like because the game did get stale for me.

I prefer not to raid past 10pm Server time.

Drop your discord down below :smiley:

Hey there Mage :slight_smile:

The Collective may be a great fit for you! We are on Barthilas and have multiple raid teams - non of which raid past 10:30pm AEST

I happy to have a chat with you further if you wish - discord → cynters

Hey mate, keen to have a chat.

[H/A] Barthilas 4/9M 9/9H ATSC - LFM - 2 nights Sun/Mon 7:30 - 10pm AEST LF DPS/heals - Recruitment / Oceanic Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

Hit me up on discord or bnet.
Disc - Raiynne
Bnet - Raiynne#1442