Fire Mage Changes

That was my experience at least when I got it, at least for the harder dungeons. It allows for a wipe or two at least. Usually the problem occurs when the DPS aren’t helping with interrupts/CCs/dispels (decurse is a very useful spell btw) or they’re dying to avoidable damage.

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This is where Blizzard falls short, because like you said, ONLY when the group can pull 2-4 packs consistently does the fire mage really start pulling big numbers.

So, they are essentially nerfing the class because of the top .1% in the game. That is not a sound way to design and balance your game. Just put mechanics in the game to prevent the massive pulls like you do in Plaguefall and SoA.

have you even done the math?
20% nerf to cascade equals to ~2% damage nerf overall.

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The fact is that overall the fire nerfs are 10% single target and 15% aoe. Consider:

A) Fire was not anywhere near top DPS in single target except for in parses with a billion buffs on them. So they nerfed single target making them even LESS viable for raiding than they already were.

B) Fire AOE was only insane for the TOP players in the world. For your average PUG or even key group in a guild you are not doing crazy big pulls.

Net result? Literally every single fire mage I know is switching to either frost or arcane. And EVERY Single mage I see in Oribos for the past week has also switched. People with 1800 or higher io and 10/10M are dropping fire mage.

Unless they revert these changes, within a month as others catch onto the new meta, there will basically be no fire mages left in the game. Which is fine, I just like playing mage in general and dont care if its orange, purple or blue, but at the end of the day they decimated this class.


The Kindling nerf was the most disappointing. Doing hundreds of pulls on certain bosses in mythic CN made realize how important CDR is to the very second. If I didn’t get combustion up by the time I wanted it even if it was a second off, it brought down my dps. Now with the nerf those extra 15+ seconds added or so we will be losing a combustion use or two depending on the encounter.

I will say it’s more the direction in which they chose to change things that’s disappointing than the changes themselves. Fire was a bit far and away ahead of everyone because of the shortness of the cd really suiting how dungeons go. Frost was in a similar spot but at the cost of ST which Fire saw no drawback for given their cd and leggo is useful for both ST and AOE. I wish they’d decided to buff other specs or make new builds for them to be competitive rather than this. Choosing to gut a spec is negative gameplay. No matter how much you think a spec needs to be taken down a peg (this is what damage nerfs are for) gutting a build is probably the worst way to go about it

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just did a few keys on my firemage, gotta say, blizzard literally just deleted any flow to the spec, which was the entire reason behind fire being so good, if you had that rythm, you did well. ive been playing fire since May and walked out of every boss fight with a high 80/low 90 parse without any PI’s or Fae guardians, to now feeling like blizzard just cut my arms off and im trying to learn how to play with my feet… time to reroll/respec frost/arcane until full bis and 3000 haste to make up for the kindling nerf.

Blizz messed up big here, having all 3 specs require 3 different convents is truly awful. We were not meant to have to switch convents mid-expansion, because of a massive balancing change.

You’ve completely broken fire for mythic raiding, and Night Fae isn’t strong for the other specs.

Now we have Kyrian Arcane, Venthry Frost, and Night Fae Fire. No flexibility. Can’t Blizz understand they got it right in Legion - you can freely swap leggos and specs mid raid. The flexibility and variety is fun. Being locked into a long term choice IS NOT FUN.

yea, if it truly turns out that fire is crap for raid, then im just gonna unsub. im not regrinding renown and anima after i already upgraded my night fae sanctum to max.


Renown catchup is super fast but why would you redo sanctum upgrades anyway? You dont need them

You don’t need them for player power, but some players like to do that stuff for completion nonetheless. It’s content that takes months to redo, and it’s ridiculous that this expansion forces you to pick and choose between forms of content.

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I know. There’s a difference between “like to” and “have to”. All I’m saying is your(collective) ocd isn’t a game issue.

Renown catchup can be as fast as it wants. That’s still at least 3-4 hours you spend each time you essentially swap a talent to make a spec more viable (which is for the most part what covenant swapping is). Spending 3-4 hours vs having it be instantaneous sure feels like a game issue. The kicker would be if all covenants were viable in all content which they are definitely not

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I support every nerf but they needed to buff damage outside of the combustion window. Kindling is a passive talent, so it being nerfed to bring it more in line with Pyroclasm and Meteor is a good change. Combustion is still strong, and our AoE is still strong.

They really should just buff Fireball damage baseline by 20%. That’s all I think they need to do now. And nerf disciplinary command (because it’s boring). Then Fix Sun King’s blessing so it’s the best leggo, and boom, Fire is in a great spot.

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Did you see the change to the pvp talent controlled burn? It may make your sustain damage better.