Fire, havoc, rdruid viable comp?

Would fire, havoc, rdruid be a viable comp? I’ve been playing it with my friends and we been getting destroyed(We are all kinda new to pvp and the mage(me) and the DH are low gear(Around 450ish)

It seems like whatever we play the opposing dps just stays on m(Mage) and keeps CC chaining me and locking me everytime I cast until eventually I die without even getting to cast some pies or anything.

I’m trying to figure out if it’s the comp, or if we’re doing something wrong

Imo the dh would need to stay on whoever was on the mage most of the time so the mage can get damage out and cc on the enemy healer.

I mean…the comp itself isn’t really all that good, but that doesn’t mean you can’t push somewhat respectable rating with it. Almost all comps are viable at lower levels of play.

This is the main issue. Obviously you guys probably need to work on so many things in your game, since as you said you’re a new player. However, at this point in the season even everyone at the low end is 465+ with most corruptions and sockets.

Playing at 450 ilvl this late into the season is next to impossible.

I think good players could probably make the comp work up to around 2k, but there’s a reason you don’t see anyone playing that comp. Most random “comps” can be played to around the 2k mark if the players are good so don’t worry so much about your comp as much as you worry about correcting things you could be doing right. AFAIK you not getting damage out is on you and will come with time. The DH should be assisting you with their toolkit on the dps that are focusing you and also making plays on the enemy healer where possible. You’re new and significantly undergeared as well. When we have essences and trinkets that can hit you for 200+k it makes sense that you probably die pretty easily. Since you’re so undergeared you probably won’t get many Gpies out because I’d imagine you don’t have much haste (haven’t looked at your toon yet).

Also, you need to realize while there is a lot of good information on the forums and helpful people, there is also a lot of bs as well and salty, jaded people. While Fire is definitely S to S+ tier it isn’t going to guarantee you any form of success. The meme about Gpy to glad for free isn’t true, and you need to take most things you read on the forums with a grain of salt. I’m not a huge fan of Gpy, but I play it myself depending on what comp I am fighting against. If your DH isn’t helping you with the 2 enemy dps sitting on you then you need to learn to do some of that on your own, and I would recommend you do so anyways because it’ll be good for you to learn how to 1v2. Fire mage has a lot of tools to deal with people sitting on them. You have DB, RoF, Poly. If your Druid isn’t going to clone one of them off of you, then you need to DB into RoF both OR Poly one of them. You also have to learn how to fake cast to get kicks out of the way. Gpy is a great ability to bait kicks with and sometimes doesn’t even matter if they kick you on it if you’re trying to set up CC of some form. Another thing that I know a lot of beginner mages have trouble with is kiting. You have DB, Nova, and Shimmer to help you kite. DB is a tricky one because it can DR your team mate’s abilities that they can use to help peel for you as well, so use it sparingly and only when they can’t or won’t help you. Frost Nova is going to be one of your best friends. NEVER use Frost Nova AND Shimmer. Use one or the other. If you can Frost Nova just do that and walk away from them. I don’t recommend you use Shimmer to kite unless you have Frost Nova’d first and they have used a gap closer to catch back up with you. Gap closers are things like Charge, Heroic Leap, Fel Rush, Shadow Step, etc… . Use Nova first, then when they use one of their gap closing abilities you can Shimmer if you need to. Sometimes, and especially so rn cuz mage is fairly tanky if you have gear and versatility amps, you can even sit there and tank damage for a little bit of time (shouldn’t be this way, but this is the state of BfA where every melee has a slow and 2-3 gap closers).

HAVE FUN. This is a video game. In this game you’re playing a mini-game that takes a lot of skill to get good at. It’s not like dragon-slaying in M+ or Raid. You are fighting against other people who are trying to be competitive. Games will be frustrating at times and you’ll feel like you aren’t getting better. Just keep playing and focus on one or two things to do better each game til you get better at them.

If you want help you can whisper me in-game sometime and I’d be happy to go over more stuff with you when I am free. Hopefully some of the tips here helped a bit. There are a ton of far better mages than I am who frequent these forums, but I think for the most part I’d confidently say I have the basics down. When people give you tips and help don’t ever tell them “I can’t”. That is incredibly frustrating for people who have high xp that are trying to help teach you, because they already do the things they’re telling you how to do correctly. If they can do it you can too, it just takes practice.


Hey man I appreciate all the tips I really got some good information out of that post. I feel like my biggest problem is that Km wasting shimmers I use them without even realizing and then whenever I need them I have 0.

Also I don’t have the mechagon bracers or memory of lucid dreams so my burst sucks if I can’t gpie.

But let me ask you this, when I’m kiting the 2DPS that’s on me, should I be trying to kite far away and then maybe get behind the further pillar? Or should I try to stay in range of my healer?

HEY! sorry for the late reply, the forums weren’t letting me log into a character for a few days for some reason.

To answer your kiting question, NEVER kite out of range or line of your healer if you can avoid it. When you do that you put them in a really terrible position where they have to come away from their pillar to heal you and that opens them up to being crowd controlled in a chain.

ALWAYS kite back in the direction your healer is, but do NOT kite on top of them. The goal is to stay in line and range of your healer, but not be on top of them because that puts them in the same position they would be if you kited away from them. A lot of times when you have 2 aggressive melee dps you can kite them back towards your side of the map and away from their healer because they have to chase you to do damage. When their healer comes out, which they inevitably will if their dps chased you, either you or your team mate can get some easy CC opportunity :smiley:

If you guys are open to different comps, I would suggest any other healer than Druid. It is both harder to play and not in the best spot right now as a spec.

Mistweaver would probably be easier to pick up.

Arcane/DH/Rdruid can most definitely push higher then 2.1 maybe gushing/vers on mage or shoot go all gush that comp was good in legion an still good now it melts I would bet.

Hey man I just pushed 1800 thanks for the tips they actually helped alot!

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Love to hear it. Knowing that I helped you in some way, even if it’s super insignificant, and it led to a good time for you that definitely makes my life feel better right now. I appreciate you checking in and giving me an update. Good work homie, keep it rollin’ and 2k is next!

Also perry, you’re a fire mage in a season where a fire mage needs to play with an equal partner that NEEDS to be trained. People are training you because if they don’t, they die. Gpy’s hurt dude.

Any comp is viable as long as the caster/healer have at least 2 claws and if the melee has drest and full gushing. Seriously that’s all you need to make a viable comp this season.

Cc or bait dispel> double claw> drest>win.

The two don’t synergize partiuclarly well because almost every button the DH presses are AoE abilities and breaking sheeps / rings would be way too common of a phenom and a lot of games that were winnable would slip away because of it.

This is mainly why you just don’t really see it.