Finkle and Einhorne

Imagine caring more about an Ace Ventura reference than actual game balance.


Bad take with a female character that exposed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

biebs i think we can safely say that we both feel more safe in azeroth!

haha yeah!

Yus queen! I was starting to feel some type of way with all the blatant sexualization :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::black_heart::white_heart::brown_heart:

What a great movie. Too bad this day and age it would never exist :confused:


I miss the good times of the 90s


New Player: I would love to get into World of Warcraft, but it seems so daunting.

Blizzard: Thrall’s left wolf identifies as a blue bird.

New Player: So New World then?


The movie could still exist, they would just edit that part of the story to play out differently. Carrey even said his “reaction” was supposed to be so over-the-top it wasn’t meant to be believed as a “normal” reaction.

everyone is fine with the dude not disclosing she has a unit tho?

Idk man I feel as if the people working on this are seperate to those working on balance.

I understand many single men in their 40’s hold this movie on a pedestal for reasons beyond me and this reference have left you emotionally distraught but I’m sure it’ll be ok!

Head off to the man cave, get those reheats out from last week and put on your vhs copy of ace venture and everything will be ok x

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ooof the transphobia is real.


maybe just dont be transphobic.


maybe just dont be heterophobic.


well this went about as expected


Inside the mind of an NPC: “Someone disagrees with me. Select buzzword. Call them buzzword with no evidence to actually support it. ‘Win’ the argument because it’s 2021 and labeling someone is effectively victory.”


Blizz is wasting time removing emotes, fixing zones, renaming npcs, etc. Why not actually fix the game and all the problems it has. Seeing them waste time on fixing stuff that no one cares about or asked is annoying. It’s sad to see them fixing stuff like this because of the problems they had in the office, and not fixing the actual game.


…no… laz said some pretty transphobic things. theyve altered the wording now, but its still pretty bad. reducing anyone to their pieces is weird af but saying the stuff laz did in reference to the transgender community is way too far.

but in true blizzard fashion they will take hollow steps like renaming NPC’s but not police their own forums.


wow. thats just a bunch of yikes.

people dont choose to be trans. people choose to be bigoted. you are the only one makeing a disrespectful disgusting choice.

well first off, when you’re talking pigment, white is the absence of color. its only when you are talking about light that white is an addition of RBG. my favorite color is green, but my favorite color in lighting design is R39.

you just keep digging yourself a hole.

I’m just chilling here with popcorn, while people dilute complicated situations into very basic “my side is best” arguments.

Let’s try this out instead:

  • PvP has massive balancing issues, including spec balance, gearing and more
  • The changes blizzard is making are a big distraction from the ongoing lawsuits, they aided a bunch of creepers
  • Whenever you start a post with “imagine” you’re just trying to troll
  • You can support a trans person and also not be against heterosexual people or white people - stop acting like those two things are diametrically opposed