Finding a guild

[About Redline]
Redline-Thrall is an end-game raiding progression guild that has a vast amount of veteran players, some with raiding experience back to Vanilla. We expect everyone to come to raid prepared, be knowledgeable(Class and encounter), and be punctual.

Our team brings a great amount of personality to the guild that keeps raids and our community lively. Our members work with each other to help everyone achieve their greatest potential. When not raiding, several guild members are putting together higher Mythic+ Keys, PVPing together, and running Alt raids.

We are always looking for skilled and determined people to raid with. If you’re a skilled player or want to app for a raid spot, do not feel shy! Even some of our best players started off small and worked their way up.


  • Uldir (Mythic) 6/8
  • Battle of Dazar’alor (Mythic) 7/9
  • Crucible of Storms (Heroic) 2/2 (World 5th / Server 1st)

[Raid Times]
Progression: Wednesday-Thursday 12PM-4PM EST
Heroic/Alt Runs (Optional): Tuesday 12PM-4PM EST

[What we look for in a raider]

  • Having a strong knowledge of your class
  • A positive progression-oriented mindset
  • 90% attendance
  • Being a team player

[Current Recruitment]
· Tank– Closed

· Healer – Medium
· Paladin (Holy) – High
· Druid (Restoration) – Medium
· Priest (Discipline) - Low
· Shaman (Restoration) – Low
· Monk (Mistweaver) – Low

· Melee DPS– Closed

· Ranged DPS– High
· Warlock – ☆Very High☆
· Mage – ☆Very High☆
· Druid (Moonkin) – High
· Hunter (BM or MM) – High
· Shaman (Elemental) – High
· Priest (Shadow) – High

Apply on our Discord

Battlenet Officer Contacts
Bigwhardy: Whardy#1990
Teeanya: Hartske#1816

Im not even looking. Gonna do it Vanilla style and log in, play the game and go where the wind blows.

We are running a guild but won’t actively recruit until we are actually playing the game.

As a player, I’m not sure how I’d feel about joining a raiding guild that issues blind invites and, as a former GL, I’m not sure I’d want to deal with the incredible hassle of blind invites.

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The best advice

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If you wait till August for name reservations and an idea of what servers will look like and who will be playing where you’ll most likely have a very good selection of guilds to pick from.

imagine being level 60 and you have to realm transfer because you can’t find a guild with your available raid times. (at least for me)

I would want to look for a guild now to help grow it, but then I would risk wasting some time if the guild dies (like what happen to me on Northdale).


Everyone who raids makes sacrifices for the guild raid time. Do you honestly think that there are 40 people on the same server with the same schedule?

Raid nights are almost always Tuesday (the weekly reset) plus 1-2 other nights. Finding a raiding guild that doesn’t raid on Tuesday is going to be a real challenge

Otherwise, you will need to join a social guild.

yea, I would need a casual guild. I cant skip work every Tuesday or Wensdays for “100% attendance” kind of guild. I would either have to lose my job or have n0-life

If you want to learn Ballroom Dancing but the class only meets on Wednesday nights, then you either find a way to attend or you don’t learn ballroom dancing.

I’m not trying to sound harsh but just trying to honestly set your expectations.

When Phase 3 comes out with 20-man raids that reset twice/week, you’ll have an easier time doing raids.

Also, it’s not “no life” to arrange your life schedule around the things you like to do. That’s called having a life.

I always see the term thrown around “no-life to lvl 60”. I guess u can consider those hardcore guilds. I would like to think that majority of people have responsibilities to take care of, and those people would like to ultimately relax and enjoy when they come home; from work (or at least for me before I leave to work).

I understand what you mean about your ballroom dancing explanation; and thank you for reminding me about phase 3. You dont sound harsh?

I’ve been seeing a notice in trade chat for a Classic community. I don’t know anything about it other than there is one, but it might be worth a look.

Good luck.

I’ll probably be in at least one guild, but most of my time will probably be playing with my husband and friends and family members (who hopefully return).

ya my guild is morning, but its EST morning so probably too early for you

but if you can make 7-10AM EST work for you hit me up! got big healthy roster

I plan to make friends and join a guild the way I did back then. Play the game until a group of people is worth as much to me as I them.

My opinion of those advertising their guild on forums or in /trade cannot go lower yet I understand why they do it.


Also great are those guilds who just spam invites to anyone who is unguilded. :confused:

Do you have a link by chance? If I were playing normal times I wouldn’t care, but I will be almost exclusively daytime >_<

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There’s some excellent advice here, thanks guys! I did happen to find some friends that I used to play with who are awesome, but they are on a pvp server. I might change my mind about pvp and roll with them but, if not, may just wait til live and do like I always did before and roll on a server, find some friendly people, and just play until 60 and then look. Edit: wow, I think I may have found a guild after all.

I plan on just starting leveling and see who I meet along the way, hopefully make some friends, and through that get into a guild. Although, it might be a good idea to find a guild earlier too as my play style has changed since '04-'06. Now that I’m like…older…married…with kids…job…all that good stuff lol.

Yeah all my friends are playing other games. I see full guild rosters which is encouraging because “lots of people playing classic” but discouraging because “sorry we are full in that class/role”. I’ll be trying to squeeze in somewhere.

I’m strongly considering making a gnome/dwarf guild that will go on frequent invasions of Thunderbluff in order to get milk.

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Yes I found a private server guild. They full clear Naxx.

I went to mmo champion section to find it.