Finally tried hardcore, am a believer now

Oh ok, so you play like a coward and take twice as long to level. Good for you. But it’s not representative of what I see the majority doing in hardcore.


I’ll just leave this here because I was right from the start lmao.

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Or I just got frustrated over time because you won’t back down. Jesus christ my guy.

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I log into Scarlet Crusade every year for that event. It’s a blast.
The support for charity is just the cherry on top.

There is another HC community forming on Atiesh that does not use those streamer-centric rules you dislike. Their rules are death=delete and play nice/be respectful of others. Here’s their deets:

Started a fresh warrior this morning, was doing great, and then got murdered due to a sloppy pull and some adds. 15 levels gone. So I leveled another warrior to 10, and decided I needed to do an experiment.

I decided to level a warrior of every race to 6 (when you normally leave newbie area) and see how long each took. So here you go:

Warrior leveling 1-6

  • Gnome 0:47

  • Nightelf 1:04

  • Human 0:43

  • Dwarf 0:35

  • Orc 0:37

  • Tauren 0:41

  • Troll 0:38

  • Undead 0:41

Nightelf was an anomaly as I had only ever played one once. Was kind of lost.

Pretty much a fun time wasting experiment, but what can I say, I love leveling baby warriors. Plus I now have 8 warriors ready to go next time I die.

Definitely feeling addicted to HC.


Warrior for sure is the toughest.

Good luck friend! 🫡

I imagine him in a dark basement twitching and fuming as he waits out his ban.

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“People who play in a way that I don’t are cowardly” like wtf?
That’s how it reads pal.
Good grief, get over yourself.

Who cares?
I play for my enjoyment, I don’t care what everyone else is doing.

bro why are you replying to me? i don’t care

what i’m saying is stop blaming the MODE for YOUR playstyle. people can comprehend that ‘grinding green mobs’ is your choice, don’t say hardcore sucks because you choose to play that way


Because that’s the way forums work.

I haven’t. I’m currently playing and the only rule I disagree with is being allowed to appeal (I simply won’t).
I was pointing out that your replies are invalid. There isn’t a wrong way to play HC, aside from not following the rules you agreed to. Calling people cowards is a tad hostile, no?

Because that’s the way forums work.

the point of me asking wasn’t to ask, it’s to say you’re missing the point. and you saying this means you missed the point of me saying you missed the point. you’re not saying anything useful, go away

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lol, go away.
again, get over yourself pal.

Idk why you are so upset by me saying its in players who play HCs best interest to finish zones and grind in order to outlevel the next and make your pulls safer.

It’s what most people do. Its smart. Stop being elitest because you prefer to kite things on fences or something lol.

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What year are we in??? Do you know how easy it is to level without dying?? The only deaths should be from PVP because if its hardcore you’re not pulling like a maniac you literally can’t die to 1 mob unless you’re a potato.

Druids unkillable if played right
Mage unkillable
Rogue ez mode
Huntard lol like what

What class are you playing that you have a chance to die on other than warrior??

You answered your own question. :sweat_smile:

Dont know what tyoe of hardcore you play, but I see hunters, mages and druid die all the time.


Post this on your HC 60 Pls, you easily leveled one, right?


“bro just play perfectly for 60 whole levels & don’t pull extra mobs despite how mob dense everything else” wooooow big brain moment. you can easily die on any class if you make a mistake or get too complacent

  1. You’re aware that plenty of quests are coded specifically to force you to confront more than one mob at a time, right? The blackrock orcs outside of Lakeshire to give one common example.

  2. There are a lot of deaths to unlucky mass respawns or layering changes when you’re deep in a cave or somewhere else you can’t just walk out of.

  3. Lots of quests have obscure mechanics that can get you killed, mobs with executes, etc. If you have perfect knowledge of the quests and mobs then you can plan accordingly but most people don’t.


I see bad players die all the time as well. Usually I am the one ganking them but I guess people still die to pve?? Lag maybe? Disconnect count?