Finally, the Mage Tower nerfs are in!

I just logged in for pretty much the first time since Tuesday to see if there’s still a lot of people trying.

No. Broken Shore is a ghost town. On one of the most populated servers in WoW.

Blizzard needs to take a step back and realize that this kind of content should not be for the 0.1% of people in the game that min/max everything possible.

This is timewalking content, specifically designed for casual players. This is not mythic raiding. This is not m+. Timewalking was quite literally designed for casual players to have something to do endgame.

There is a Feat of Strength for doing all 36 challenges.

Give them a Title. Like “Tower Terror” or something, for doing all 36. Leave THAT for the top 0.1%. But the mount? The fel bear? No.


They should rename GD to the “Hyperbole Forum”

Yep, I was doing Prot Paladin last night and it was a ghost town. Like 20 people around.

I really doubt the crowd that was there on Tuesday where you couldn’t even see the stairs on the tower all succeeded. At least if the chat in /say is anything to go by.


Any tips on that?

Might also rename the subreddit and in-game that too. Pretty united on that what you describe as “hyperbolic” front.

Broken Shore isn’t crowded on my server anymore. People there just saying they quit, it’s overtuned or it’s just not fun seems to be very common there.



Hmm… is it way harder on druid or something? All you do is aoe down the fire imps and interupt dark fury after the shield breaks. Really isnt that much damage. The druid interupt cd is so bad though…

I have only had time to do the MT a few pulls. I haven’t completed it yet, but I’ve made progress and I have no doubt that I would eventually be able to finish it on at least a few characters, assuming that I don’t run out of time.

What aggravates me, and I know I’m not alone, is the fact that Blizzard officially stated that at least some of the encounters were more difficult than anticipated and they were working to address the issue, and then later the same day turn around and essentially make some of the encounters actually more difficult.

I don’t dispute the right of Blizzard to adjust the encounters as they see fit but COME ON! Do they not realize the horrible optics on this?

Blizzard needs some good PR in the worst way right now and MT was a golden opportunity. They botched it badly. As they’ve botched other similar opportunities badly recently.

If Blizzard was actively trying to drive away everyone except for the hardcore elitists I don’t think they could have done so more effectively than what they’ve been doing over the past six months or so. And I’m not talking about the lawsuit or any other RL stuff (although that’s all extremely important), I’m just talking about the in-game stuff.

Blizzard has a serious common sense crisis.


There are what 100+ MT threads, quite a few claiming the challenges can only be completed by spending millions of gold and farming specific items, when I know for a fact FDK, UHDK, Fury warrior, Arms, and Havoc can be done in SL gear with SL consumables. There are YouTube guides for almost all of them now.

From what I’ve watched the most problematic one I’ve seen is Gdruid. This happens to be the only one I’ve seen where players are using old items for gem slots. I haven’t thoroughly checked, but it’s possible someone has a video of completing the Gdruid challenge exclusively in SL gear.

Too many people jumping to the conclusion that these challenges can ONLY be completed in this fashion, which isn’t true, and as such is hyperbole in a lot of these cases/threads.

*also don’t jump down my throat because the fights do need tuning imo

I know when I checked it out on my three failed attempts I saw maybe a handful of people. Most either afked until it logged them, the rest hearthed/teleported away in I assume disgust.

Used one of the potions of tongue to see alliance chat and saw two talking about how bad the tower was for them.

Just because some people managed to get a perfect run doesn’t make them balanced.

I’ve had attempts go with me getting a boss to 95% and dying.

Then, doing the exact same thing, getting the boss to 70% then dying.

All because of crits or other things.

This is me just trying to re-learn the mechanics that I forgot, like how to handle the adds on the tank challenge, etc. (hence dying, I ignore other mechanics to re-learn specific ones, because my brain doesn’t store information the same as everyone else)


Unholy cannot be done. Tried multiple times and my shadowlands gear was worthless in it. The unholy one is overtuned and needs to be nerfed.

Me wiping 63 times before clearing on my 64th attempt wasn’t luck or bad RNG on crits. It was me checking details and seeing what hit me, saving defensives for very specific moments, watching guides and asking for recommendations in the class discord, fixing my mistakes.

If I had one comment to make on Xylem, it’s that the razor ice hp is too high if you’re a class that can’t consistently burst each.

I just see a lot of blaming and hyperbole

Wrong challenge. Bears got Kruul
Imp is on my rogue.

I’ve seen posts of people completing it on the class discord. I’ve also seen UDK players in oribos with the set. It is possible to complete to the best of my knowledge.

I’m convinced that Blizzard is just George Costanza at this point. They’re just doing whatever they can to show they’re, “very busy.”


Then they didn’t do it in shadowlands gear. All my attempts have been in shadowlands gear and I can say with full confidence its overtuned.

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Alright where’s your evidence?

i hope they change mage tower to only last this 2 week period then disable it

Did you guys hear?

The mythic raiders of the game can clear Mythic Sylvanas.

Therefore, everyone should be capable of doing it. After all, you’ve seen a few people do it, so everyone can do it.


that is true just press the same buttons they have, copy their gear, and position exactly like they did