Finally switched from 'flavour' preference to combat power covenant

Nothing scares me more than when Clarkson gets an idea.

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This mentality really irks me. Why are you thinking that you have any place to tell someone else that they ā€œshould have made this choice insteadā€. I play a DH with Night Fae specifically because I like like their covenant ability. Whatā€™s good about it to me, I donā€™t have to change my talent tree, just to get the most out of it.

Not all choices are yours to say were right or wrong, and sometimes your opinion wasnā€™t asked for to begin withā€¦

I did for the first few weeks. After getting ā€œNo available pathā€ Over and over Iā€™ve all but stopped using it. Most treasures that are up above have some other way, often easier (just jumping on a mushroom), or you can things like goblin glider to reach from a higher spot. I feel it is the worst general covenant ability.

I feel you on all these points. Its basically a discount Convoke. That ability is better in a every way. Also feel for them Warriors man. Necro ability is straight garbage.

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Yeah, Necrolord is the way to go for resto shaman.

I agree.

You can just pick the Covenant you like the flavor of, but eventually your action bar is going to drive you insane.

I switched from Kyrian to Venthyr based on Covenant abilities.

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Yup. And in arena fleshcraft and warriorā€™s banner are just flat miserable compared to the other three.

I got the transmog. Yay?

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see I did the reverse on my hunter, lolā€¦

necro is MILES ahead of venthyr for survival, but after doing the necro story (cov 24) and getting all the gear/mountā€¦ it was boringā€¦ drab and blehā€¦ poisonous snot everywhereā€¦ blehā€¦

so I went venthyr on my hunter cause I love the vampyr/dark broody aesthetic lol
currently leveling my cov now (13) and having alot more fun, looking and feeling much better haha.

to each their own

Edit: Not getting any renown from heroic dungeonsā€¦holy hell this game is trying to make me hate it.

Iā€™m starting to miss Soul Shape (and Ardenweald as a whole,) but yeah I do wish it at least had a higher range.

Buuut we all know what ā€˜wantingā€™ things in present WoW means (wanting forever and nothing happens cause the devs are afk.)

Pretty much. The Dollar Store Convokeā€¦I couldnā€™t help but compare them.

And yeah, I feel like Necrolord warriors are the best thematically, soā€¦go figure. >_>


Knowing I could have a much better and cool ability by simply undoing all my progress in my current covenant did indeed make me feel a bit insane at times.

I mean, we went opposite directions, but the problem remains the same, yes? Imagine if you could have a better ability AND not see snot everywhere!

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OP here, just saying bye.

Ok, wellā€¦I may just be done overall now. After trying to catch-up on renown and being screwed left and right, I donā€™t even feel like playing anymore.

17+ 5man heroics.
7+ BGs
3 LFR wings
6~ callings

For a total of 4 renown. If it werenā€™t for the weeklies and campaign, Iā€™d be 1 renown ahead of just starting this damned expansion.

This is my last post on these forums for the foreseeable future; I wish this gameā€™s RNG didnā€™t despise me. So much for people saying they got 2 from one dungeon. If I didnā€™t get it once from them Iā€™d think I was bugged, but nope, just sh^t RNG.

Will play out some of my remaining time with those I know IRL, then am probably done. I feel like an idiot for making an effort to catch-up on renown, or thinking Blizzard would make a fair system.

Bye now. (I didnā€™t wanna make a new thread or hijack someone elseā€™s, so Iā€™m here on my alt insteadā€¦who is 5 or so renown ahead of my main (if you count my available quests) after dinging 60 monday night with 1/10th the effort lololol.)

Feels bad man.

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