Finally got tusks

First week they added the skip.

I know nothing about Remix, so excuse my question. I ignored it because I did not like the rewards and Mists is my personally most disliked expansion. What did you mean by not getting them the traditional way? Is there another way to obtain the tusks?

took me two weeks…was rough

I find it kinda funny that people complain about this game not respecting peoples time, so when they find a way to do that, people complain more.

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I’m afraid I don’t understand your response to me, sorry. I just wanted to know what the other way of obtaining the tusks was.

its umm doing remix content and doing mythic or heroic Garrosh. I apologize for my response, I thought it was sarcasm…

Almost 12 years on Still no Tusks Despite the new Skip and doing 16 runs a week since then nothing. Have lost track of total Kills but definately close or over 1000 seeing as back in Warlords of Draenor people would Host groups to repeat kill Garrosh over and over on Mythic and Heroic and we would constantly burn bonus rolls and we never saw a single one drop. So seeing as they are currently one of if not the most rare Armor drop in the game and I honestly reckon the drop rate is like this 0,0001% roughly,. It is Higher than that but going by how many people kill it daily and the global amount that have dropped which I estimate to be under 25000 *That is just an Estimated Guess not me stating a factual number that is what somewhat Believe as to the Rarity of these.

As of Posting this Before the Addition of the skip and Post Skip the amount of Mounts he has given me is roughly 40 or so which i normally get 1 per 2 weeks on average and most of the time they have come from bonus rolls. On the Bonus roll front Blizzard need to update all bonus Rolls from MoP>BFA and Remove everything besides Loot. And update Legion and BFA totals to 20 and make them unlimited Purchase like the MoP and WoD ones *Well besides 1 WoD one the rest need to have the same priveledge. Seeing as its not Super common to have more than 20-25% of the player base if not way way lower than that on a daily basis doing anything other than current content Outside of levelling a new toon I do not see any Problems with making Every Single Bonus Roll Cheaper and given unlimited daily use as long as you can afford it.

Huge Grats Bro btw now you can farm the rest of the armor ssets etc if you havent already without fear of tusks dropping on a non plate toon WHich is what I have avoided doing, I just hope blizzard give Tusks a semi Decent Buff. as in a double to quadruple buff to what they currently are which is honestly pathetic. Congratulations again and to anyone else who rolls the 1/500k chance or more to get these.

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No sarcasm here. I thought that perhaps there was some other made up event or it was purchasable with the currency collected. Okay.

its a currency you collect within those raids. Bones of the Mannolith. You only get it for killing garrosh.

Okay, thanks for the information, Fuzzy.

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20 days , so not long at all --got all of SOOs mounts as well while getting them

Yup. In remix you can buy them from one of the vendors. It costs a bunch of bronze (the currency in remix) and a bunch of Bones of Mannoroth. The bones drop from Garrosh in remix, with more dropping on higher difficulties. With a well geared character though the raids are not hard at all. You’ve still got two months of the event if you wanna get in on it. It’s tremendous fun. I’ve leveled like 11 alts through it.


Thank you for the additional detail. I really do not enjoy Mists of Pandaria, but that does sound like a good way to get those tusks…

Congrats, good job.

:sweat_smile: Took me a few moments until I knew you were talking about the shoulder mog :joy:

Initially I thought upon reading that you meant tusks from your mouth and was like — “I’m sorry, what!?”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

lol. I felt that in my soul. My onyx cloud serpents. No longer have to farm em, cause yay remix!

Got em last week.

Just need bronze for the last batch of heirlooms.

Alrdy bought the mount and dark shaman sets

I never have to do SOO ever again. What a time to be alive


double checks, triple checks other difficulties

I don’t see the scroll.

(it’s possible I haven’t run SoO since the skip was added to unlock it?)

Thanks for the suggestion though, good PSA for people not as stubbornly sticking to their playstyle as I am.

In remix he drops bones, 1 per normal kill, 4 for heroic and 10 for mythic. Collect 20 bones, you can then buy the tusks from a vendor.