Final Fantasy XIV Thread

You obviously love Shadowlands. You’re in every thread defending the awful game design decisions in WoW, and you’re insulting people that actually enjoy FFXIV because it goes against this narrative you’ve made up in your head that FFXIV sucks.

It’s okay to like Shadowlands. There are a lot of people like you on these forums who have invested way too much of your lives into WoW to quit now. I’ve been playing since Vanilla ffs but I think WoW is finally coming to an end. Even TBC and Classic are better versions of the game lol but that’s just my opinion.

FFXIV is based off MoP. Square Enix specifically asked its Devs to play WoW when it was in development and it was during Cata/MoP. FFXIV uses a lot of older successful WoW systems that players enjoyed, such as the justice/valor points system from Wrath. PLAYERS ENJOY FFXIV BECAUSE IT’S WHAT WOW SHOULD HAVE BEEN. WoW was amazing while it lasted. Shadowlands is unfortunately a disaster and after BfA, players have had enough. It’s time to move on.

The end.


and yet you’re here whenever someone brings up any form of criticism of 14. Funny how I’m supposedly the shill yet you’re responding to the usual. Odd isn’t it?

  1. I came back from WoD, basically skipped Legion and the first two halves of BFA. I came back a year ago because an RL friend of mine reintroduced me to the actual changes. So in short, I’m not burned out. Cute how you assume it’s a sunk cost fallacy when you’re talking to a person who quit the game before…or are you assuming that I should have never came back then?
  2. I too played during the later half of Vanilla and through TBC. I also remembered how much of a hot mess it was with the content. The Raid or Die mentality that boned you if you arrived too slowly to max level. I also remembered doing Kara and having people poach your guild’s tanks and healers, making it hard to do any raid content.

that’s a basis of emphasis and sounds like the only people praising the game are the hyper casual base that believe that the game pandering to them is a good thing (Did you leave out about how folks hated the gearing system of Wrath and how it created a group of players that felt entitled to high end loot without doing a raid?)
Funny how you praise Squeenix as a great dev, when just like Activision, they care more about money. I mean, if they did care, they wouldn’t have locked Male Viera behind a paywall. SL isn’t a perfect game, but it’s a step up compared to the loot rain that was BFA and Wrath. However, you do you.

Just remember the following:

  1. quitting a game never really fixes the issue
  2. the more you try to push your game onto others, the more others won’t come over

The End

so basically you love Shadowlands


Highly doubt it, still don’t like multiple classes on one character, I like making alts and give them personally with class and spec, I feel like I be force to play only one character and change class cause they need healer/tank asap and that’s turn off for me

I’ve been only playing it for a few days now and have been having fun, the main complaint I have right now is how much I out level everything while following the main story. It feels weird being level 32 and doing main quests that are rated for level 17 characters, I want to get my Summoner job but I have a feeling I may be closer to level 40 before that even happens.

I do like that I can go back and do some of the side quests later, if I understand it correctly. I can choose another class, but does that start you back at level 1 for the new class?

Certain jobs start at 1 but some start at 30, 50, and 60. If you’re wanting to get Summoner, you have to pick up Arcanist. You do start at lvl 1 but you get bonus exp in everything you do if you’re leveling an alt that’s lower than your highest level job. The good thing about Arcanist is you get both Summoner and Scholar, so you level two classes at the same time basically.

Dark Knight, Astrologian and I think Machanist all start at level 30. Samurai and Red Mage start at 50. Gunbreaker and Dancer start at 60.

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How is the Rogue class or job whatever it’s called.

Someone already covered the starting levels for different classes, but just wanted to add I used this while leveling. I’d have one class that just focused on the MSQ, then I’d do FATEs, sidequests, leves, etc. with other classes. It allowed me to have a tank, healer, and dps all about the same level so I could do whatever role I felt like, and it kept them all around the same level as the quests I was doing so I didn’t have the over-leveling issue.

Trying it right now and enjoying it. I’ll switch if they ever get Complete Edition back in stock. Seems like I am on a waiting list.

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It starts out as rogue and turns into “ninja” at level 30. It’s a decently complicated class based around its “mudras” and “ninjutsu”. Basically, you have three abilities which you can chain together to do a special attack and a buff (think off Slice&Dice). The thing about this though is that you have to remember the combos yourself similar to a fighting-game. And if you fail you turn yourself into a rabbit.

You also build up “ninki” later on which can again be used to execute certain special abilities. Your overall damage output is slightly lower, because you also have some helpful tools for the group e.g. enemies take more damage.

It’s playstyle is easily one of the fastest in the entire game.

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You are correct. FF14 is not the savior of MMOs. However it is now more of an MMORPG than WoW is. BY FAR. WoW is literally DIablo 3 in most respects with even more terrible arbitary systems.

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Hello there!

Fresh and original content. Would visit again

Level 24 Lancer now. Just ran the dungeon, Sastasha, about 6 times. I liked it. Nice, easy, and short. My favorite kinds of dungeons. Also, I like that I automatically got a piece of loot given to my at the end of it. And it was a upgrade every time too.

There’s a good number to critique FFXIV on, however many of the criticisms I’ve kept seeing have leaned more on straight up miss-information, false assumptions and straight up nit-picking.

As a result, some people end up making claims and critiques on certain issues without seeing the actual full-on picture that explains WHY the FFXIV devs get so much credit.


Players feel like they’re ignored and their time is not respected.


Players feel like they’re listened to and their time is respected.

It’s fine if that’s not your view of the creator/consumer dynamic, but for many that seems to be the case here.

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You play TBC Classic because you don’t like Retail, but you like FFXIV? Is that a correct assumption?

My man, are you crazy? The old WoW zones are more vibrant and detailed? Lol… you mean the old zones where the trees are literally five green polygons together ?

If that was directed at me, yes. The only thing that appeals to me about retail is raid content at this point, but I don’t think the ticket is worth the ride. Meta slavery has ruined most corners of gaming besides, so that is another extra layer of player created bs to wade through (prevalent in Classic as well).

I agree,

In the early days of wow we actually cared about our toon, and we took much care to how we set out talents and geared them out. We never rushed to get to the endgame treadmill( some did ).
With today’s game play I am very indifferent to any of my toons… Nothing special about them.

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