FF wasn’t the answer for me.
This is a game I desperately want to like and it keeps letting me down.
I spent the last two months there and while there are plenty of positives going for it, there are a few glaring issues that prevent me from fully enjoying it.
1.) Level locked classes that revert in level when you switch over to them. Can’t play that new expansion job till you are lever 60 but when you switch over you are level 30. Why not just make it unlockable at level 30 then?
Because it forces you to play the Job storyline and learn your class which is a good thing.
2.) Stiff, clunky combat. Don’t tell me about all the off gcd stuff I get later, that’s not what I mean. Trying to kite mobs between the two games is night and day. For all its faults, no other mmo has been able to replicate the buttery smooth and responsive combat of WoW. In ff14 I keep feeling like I’m waiting for stuff to happen long after I push the button.
Just no. You didn’t get to max level then.
3.) Excessive amount of cutscenes. I felt like I spent as much time watching the game as I did playing it. Story and narrative is important but if you have to warn your players several times to get comfortable because an extremely long and unskippable cutscene is coming up, maybe it’s time to dial it back a little.
No. An MMORPG should have a narrative. It has been argued for YEARS that WoW doesnt have enough in game and they have to use other Media to tell the story of WoW. I agree with this problem as you dont even know some of the characters motivations without reading the books or short stories.
4.) One of the biggest deal breakers is mandatory dungeon and raid content. This should never be a thing, especially when the content is years old and no longer relevant
Wrong again. The dungeons and raids are a HUGE narrative points. Unlike WOW where you just que and unless you played that zone you have no idea whats going on at all or unless you played that expansion while it was current. You make it sound like these are the same as WoW dungeons. They are not. and the Raids you speak of are mostly 1 boss fights with no trash. Its a boss room you zone into. As part of the narrative.
5.) The community. It really isn’t that different from this one aside from being less overtly hostile due to bans for bad behavior. Other than that, I still see a lot of the same things. Gold sellers, people selling runs through stuff, When you join a group the tank pulls half the dungeon in a couple of pulls and everyone is gogogo and not much is said aside from hello and goodbye.
Sorry to see your experience like this. I did not experience this at all.
I’m not saying FF is a bad game, far from it. All I’m saying is hold that game to the same standards you hold WoW to and don’t give these things a pass because you want to stick it to blizzard and you’ll see FF isn’t the savior of mmo’s that some people are making it out to be.