Fill in the blank: A good holy paladin is one who ___________

gets their Devout Mantle AND has Chicken.


Who accept their role in a raid. One who put other people enjoyment before their own. One who knows to moonlight on his/her own time as dps or tank. One who is grateful for the dps weapons or tanks the raid pass on. It could have been de and help the raid with enchant mats but it went to you. A good holy paladin is only good when they heal.

Gets all the 2h drops.

Paladins are top tier healers with raidwide buffs tailored to all classes.

Informs raid sulfuras is ret prio

Make sure to BoP the tank is he gets low

BoPs dungeon tanks (sacrificing a DPS is kk) to save if out of every other “save” cd – instead of letting the tank die