-<Fight Club> [H] is LFM Fri/Sat nights

Greetings Friends,

Are you looking for a group who loves to help others? Do you want to feel you’re amongst friends when you log on? Look no further!

We want to build a community that feels like family.

<Fight Club> is a guild with great people having a great time together. Our major focus is on fun with nice, friendly people. No drama, no rudeness, no hate speech, and no slurs. If you agree with these basic principles give us a shout!

-We are building a raid team for Friday and Saturday nights 8pm - 11pm server (EST)

-Loot will be by Loot Council considering the following factors: Attendance, Guild Contribution, and Previous Loot Received. We will be open about any and all decisions. We will be as balanced as possible on getting everyone their upgrades.

-We welcome all that fit our principles to the ranks whether raider or casual.

-Plenty to do on non-raid nights: Dungeon groups and events will happen regularly.

If this interests you come have a quick chat with one of us:

In game: Lymnica, Sen or Ghoulfiend

Battlenet: Lymnica#1259, Senza#1813, or Twiztga#1932

Discord: Lymnica (Brandi Panda)#9738 or Senza#5371

If you are interested in helping us even more; we have the following high priority needs (though all are welcome) :

-DPS: Warlocks, Mages, S. Priest

-Healers: any class

-Various class officers: Be a leader that others can come to with questions in your class.

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This has been updated to reflect our current targeted raid times!

We have officially changed our raid times, please check the post for updated schedule

Oh, these are great raid times. I’d level a character here to raid on the weekends!!
Should be able to hit 60 fast again. Have a 60, 57 and a 53. havent found a group that raids at a time I can commit to so I just kept leveling. I can level while at work haha. Can do dungeons at work cause I might have to alt tab but yeah. I will msg you in game… sucks to start over with zero gold though ughh. maybe some hand me down bags rofl
Doesn’t help you atm but this is a marathon not a sprint

so is your guild still called fight club or is it antiquity