Field of Ferocity

now this week (12/16) its a WQ and still bugged

This is happening on MG as well. Loads of people standing around waiting for someone to start the WQ but nobody can.

Same issue on Sargaras. I cannot let Gurgthock (fight promoter) know that I’m ready.

Still bugged out. Can not talk to the fight promoter to engage.

Still bugged at 12:41PM on Zul’jin. Can’t do my questline because someone else’s Huntermaster Amaa is bugged sent in game bug report as well.

it fixed yesteday for like 1 hour, is broken again Ragnaros-US

Bugged on Proudmore today. I think it might be related to the fact that I was on an alt and had a quest to go and kill someone there that I don’t think was part of the world quest. A lot of people were doing the world quest successfully until I talked to the goblin and did my quest, everything shut down.

I’m on Thrall and having an issue w/ the Field of Ferocity quest for Terror of the Swamp today, as well. Can’t speak to Gurgthock to start the encounter at all, whether in a group or solo.

Any update on this bug?
Not working for me on Stormscale either.

still broken on Dawnbringer, 2:34 AM server time

The bug appears to only happen on some shards but not others. I’ve been unable to interact, then i’ll join a group and get phased to a different shard and suddenly its doable again. I’ve also had the reverse happen, where i’m able to interact until joining a group and getting phased to a different shard. Not sure what the overall bug is but the fact that its so intermittent is probably making it difficult to get reported, let alone isolate.

still an issue

Fix this WQ!!! Everytime its up its broken.

YUP, STILL AN ISSUE!! Can’t start regular quests or WQ. Some people are able to start it randomly, have been able to join premade groups that work or stand around and hope someone is lucky enough to start it and hope it’s the right boss. Such a mess. PLEASE FIX BLIZZ.

This WQ still bugged 2 months after release of Dragonflight.

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Blizz plz

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Still bugged. Still. Anyone surprised?