FFXIV Vs. WoW in light of Microsoft Acquisition

That’s be possible if we didn’t have these overarching, elaborate, and overlapping systems that require a substantial effort to re-balance every patch to “have players grind their life away” rather than simply focusing on making good, quality content instead.


Hasn’t this “FF vs. WoW” trope gone on long enough now?

It’s not 2008 anymore. Both games can exist and thrive in today’s culture.


Exactly this and their content patches are usually opposite of each other. Giving people a chance to sub to each, and do content in both.

Oh Im not saying it would likely happen that way, Microsoft is probably as aware as anyone just how much work is involved in making a MMO profitable. If it happened it would be more likely another group, such as Sony. Do they even have a MMO going or planned?

They have ESO.

Do you mean Sony? If so, Microsoft has ESO, it bought out Xenimax, which owns Bethesda.

Oh no, I thought you were referring to Microsoft. Sony did have Everquest and DCUO at one point. They also had Star Wars Galaxies. All of those are with Daybreak now.

Ah ok, maybe they aren’t as likely to think about FF then, if they decided to lose Everquest.

i think ff is just too different of a game from wow and appeals to a very different audience. ff falls more in line with other asian mmos just don’t know if it’s possible to really compare them

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It’s so weird with Sony because they keep losing exclusives and making no moves. They just got Forspoken I guess, but we have no idea how successful that will be. But I guess when you are the #2 biggest earning gaming company you don’t have to worry.

Probably the only big company that might be interested in acquiring FF14 would be Amazon, given that they are supporting Lost Ark, another big Asian MMO. As I understand it, they dont actually own Lost Ark, they are just hosting it in certain non-Asian countries but if it does well for them they might well consider owning one of their own with a proven track record.

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I dunno, they’ve dumped so much money and resources into Lumberyard at this point. I still don’t understand why they tried to use the old Cry Engine 2 re-branded given the time and effort they put into it only for New World to get hyped and fall hard.

In a way Amazon is like a new start up indie company as far as MMOs is concerned. They appear to be making all the kinds of mistakes that an inexperienced team would make. They started out saying the game would be purely PvP-based (and so didn’t put much design effort into PvE content) and then when they found out just how brutal pvp players could be, they decided to dial back on that and then had to suddenly find more stuff for people to do.

And they apparently made an utter mess of it by rushing in content without properly testing it, resulting in a flawed, bug-ridden game that was exploited to hell and back by experienced players who knew just where to find the flaws in the design.

If they bought a pre-established game then presumably the teams responsible for it would transition with it. All they would have to do is financially back the game and take a hands-off approach to its design.

I have a more favourable outlook on the future of Blizzard games now.

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I’m just cautiously waiting to see what we are told as things progress and the ultimate end product. I know it is a while off, but I want to see what happens to WoW, or if I need to go back to RTS games.

The idea of a more prominent cash shop does make me less likely to want to stick around. That being said, I’d have to wait to see what the changes would be, if any.

But not to FF14. I’ve tried FF14 at least three times since it came out, last time was in 2019, before the scandal-fueled exodus. It didn’t hook me.

Considering FFT was/is my favorite game of all time, and for years all I wanted was a multiplayer version of FFT that included the job system…should have been a no-brainer, but I just dislike Eorzea so much…

Maybe no MMO afterwards? Plenty of other games out there.

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Who cares about the cash shop? I have never seen anything wrong with it.

It’ll be no different than when Activision merged with Blizzard. Blizzard doesn’t need another company to tell them how to be greedy. They’re plenty good at it on their own.

Im much the same; I didnt play it multiple times, just once, but for a couple of weeks to give it a decent try. I really didnt like much about it at all; a game is a bit like buying shoes - either you feel comfortable wearing them the moment you put them on, or you like the look and put up with the discomfit. I just couldnt be bothered to do the latter because I didnt like the look enough to do that.

I did give some thought to trying it again about 6 months ago but after half an hour of trying to get back onto my old account without success, I just gave up. Any game that makes it that hard to play it just doesnt work for me.


I tried to get used to FFXIVs graphics but they bug me. I doubt it would ever become my game even if WoW were to go away.