Why would you need an alt when you can do literally everything with one character? Wanna play a different class? Just swap your weapon type. The only thing alts are good for are retainers or to see what your mog looks like on a different race.
But the rest of the game is lacking content, as said. In fact many of the things they do feel very restrictive and/or lacking because they keep coming with that “budget” and “engine limitations” argument but it doesn’t seem to stop most of the other MMO’s from adding more content in larger scale. WoW certainly has no problems adding multiple races, as we saw in BFA. In fact, in FF14 over time they have scaled back what they add each patch, like less dungeons.
It’s just hard to improve if I can’t test my own DPS rotations. You don’t necessarily have to use these things to insult other players. That’s already a bannable offense in FF14.
I honestly don’t know how someone can state that FFXIV is lacking content outside of the endgame loot treadmill, unless they’re viewing the game through a lens they obtained from WoW.
But even then… the developers have stated outright that if you’ve run out of content that you personally enjoy, feel free to unsub and take a break. Come back when they add more.
They don’t design the game around ensuring the continuity of your subscription, or creating an addiction. That’s a good thing.
That frequently gets people banned because people are real pains about that in FF14, you can’t even try and help someone improve their dps in the nicest of ways possible without risking getting yourself a temporary ban if that person decides to get offended over it. It’s very easy to get yourself negative attention from their GM’s and it ends up with people forcibly staying silent and enduring groups with absolutely terrible players because the moment they speak up about it is the moment they risk a ban.
I disagree, addons caused toxicity in wow. I also read your newest post and you’ll be glad to hear you can still use a dps addon to measure your performance as long as you don’t talk about it or use it to insult other players. Its only bannable if you go off on someone with it.
They’ll turn a blind eye to any addons you do use, as long as you don’t advertise its usage in-game.
This smells of copium.
I understand how that works, but the parse overlay for FF14 really sucks to use. Addons don’t cause toxicity…people do. Slow tanks and healers that don’t dps still catch plenty of attitude from other players. Maybe they get banned, who knows. I guess they go to the GM jail lol.
I have found that the experience you detail only occurs to the exact type of players that the system is designed to moderate.
No one believes they’re the “bad guy.”
Like this guy:
Races start based on their class, where their job trainers are. This is a culture that is far from being racially segregated.
I agree with this, world pvp doesn’t make sense in the world of FFXIV though. But honestly? Once everyone gets their way of flying in shadowlands, this game will become the game of someone who outgears you to the teeth flying in on you, killing you, and then flying back to safety. This is only something to consider when flying isn’t an option and will be drowned out the moment that its re implemented in current content.
The story isn’t for everyone. It walks you through a character driven narrative vs a Broader world and scope sort of thing. Your character makes the changes most of the time vs you being a cog for a greater machine. This is more of a preference really. You get to understand the characters around you far better than you do in WoW.
You have to have a class at a certain level to play DK or DH. I’m not sure you have played WoW(or at least you did until current content, not sure about this one anymore).
You can in fact enhance every interaction that you have with pure amount of expressions this game has. Makes me think that you…
- Didn’t look into what was in the game
- You are a very lazy Rper.
Better is a matter of opinion, Pepsi vs Coke
I knew you’d make that argument. But that’s sadly not the case, plenty of people that honestly don’t really deserve it get put in GM jail because of nonsense reasons. You can’t give someone tips without technically being in offense if that person decides to take issue with it
They don’t cause it, but they certainly enable it.
I’ve gone through many a successful PUG group where we still had people losing their minds about the performance of others. A clear is a clear, but that doesn’t compute for people so slavishly dedicated to judging others based on addons.
I don’t doubt that it might happen. There are a lot of, let’s say, sensitive individuals playing FFXIV. But I have never actually seen a legitimate case of someone being wrongly persecuted. I’ve seen many a story where a player positions themselves as being unjustly punished… but when the full story comes out? They deserved to be there.
And as a mentor, I give people tips literally every time I go into a dungeon, trial or raid. Even hests. And I’ve never had a negative experience with the GMs, even when people didn’t take kindly to my advice.
Maybe because I actually attempt a diplomatic approach when interacting with people I don’t know, just as I would extend that same courtesy to people in real life.
This is true, but it is also true that the lack of chat bubbles is quite annoying. Especially when you’re in a crowded area.
Yeah i can understand that.
Glad we’re in agreement then, but on the rest of your post yeah, being diplomatic of course minimizes the risk but it does still happen. It’s made it to where people just keep silent in general when they encounter a party like that in dungeons, because they’d rather not get banned by telling them what would be better to do.
… i have to press X to doubt in games play a larger role to a point where it does matter, otherwise they wouldn’t have sold them.
I mean they are already were doing that without the cash shop. If they really wanted to, they can just donate without an incentive like that.
LoL and DoTa are F2P. So the cosmetic MTX makes a whole lot of sense and can be justified easily because of that. FF14 is a premium game with a sub fee, with expansions that cost money to buy and there is a cash shop. (And before you say it, i don’t think WoW should be doing that either)
To say a premium game with subs, expansions you buy and has a cash shop has little to no corporate influence is quite honestly silly. If it’s just a premium game with subs and expansions you buy with no cash shop, then sure, i would believe that done it out of passion here. I just don’t see it too much if they are having a f2p model but not f2p. Even if it’s just cosmetics.
I mean that is cool that they are giving a very good way to get the items you’ve missed that isn’t tucking it in the black market auction house and hope luck rolls in your favor, but i don’t think making it into an MTX is the answer i would personally go for either. I think making them into grindable rewards for the current hoilday and have the rewards stay would’ve been much better imo.
I don’t know, EA seems to be oddly doing better, as much i hate to admit it. I heard that SWTOR is doing alright and they managed to make 2 star wars games that didn’t suck, plus they have been putting their games on Steam instead of being exclusive to origin, and as for The Sims 4… it gotten a bit better.
Activison, i’l give you that.
Well given this community, i would imagine it would only be seen as “Oh they are trying to get good PTR by trying to communicate with us and try to manipulate and twist our words into something else we don’t want!!”. Not that the previous point is only exclusive with Blizzard mind you, i mean this is the “Triple AAA” video game industry, they will always take something good and somehow make it 60 times worse somehow. Like Tetris.
Kind of unfair to compare FF14 to No Man Sky, don’t you think? Yeah their both better now, but to me it sounds like that FF14 was promised quite a lot back in it’s game like that game did and when it released, it didn’t have anything it was hyped up to be and it was a boring flop.
Well that and have a premium game with subs, not free expansions and a wholly big cash shop where you can buy emotes, something that is already free to use in WoW.
Lets not forget about this diddy here.
I’ve never encountered that terrified mentality in-game. I only see it espoused here and on the MMO-Champion forums. Can you give me an example of this happening in reality?