FF14 down for maintenance general

ill have to spend another week there, ill get past level 34 at some point lolol

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Iā€™m near the end of Heavensward. Was looking to finish it up tonight, but guess Iā€™ll have to wait til tomorrow.


lol yah a couple days later and Iā€™m still lost. The controls and everything are almost identical to WoW, and thereā€™s a ton of built-in tutorials, so thatā€™s a plus. I made one of those cat people too because it wouldnā€™t let me pick the bunnies LOL.

Been plugging away at the main story quest and the class hall quests and it just goes on forever. Still stuck in that newbie desert area. Zones are bigger than they look despite being partitioned.

Check out the player housing district sometime. Itā€™s pretty amazing and you can go into the houses!


Ahahahahaā€¦. Ahahahaā€¦.

New thread:

When will the servers be back up? This is unacceptable, I have every certification, a PHD in computer engineering, a PHD in Server maintenance, a PHD in programming, a PhD in AI, a PHD in quantum optics, and I choose to work part time at Burger Hut so I have more time to play wow! I know for a fact servers never need maintenance and even when they do it only takes a few min because my Dell only takes 30 min to do a full defrag. Fix it fix it fix it fix itā€¦.

Do you all remember posts like this from 2004- about 2009?


If you want to make a viera you have to purchase the game. Donā€™t worry though. At the end of ARR MSQ youā€™ll get a fantasia potion, so you can just pop that baby and re-customize to whatever you want.


When I was doing the first quest to check out the residential area, I thought I had to pick someoneā€™s house to visit and wondered if I should message the owner to let them know Iā€™d be dropping by, haha.

The housing is really what sold me on this game, though. I know trying to get a full on house is a pain, so Iā€™m looking to get myself a cozy little apartment once I save up the gil.


its a maintenance adding cool stuff unlike wow maintenances.

you can travel to other data center realms


Did my hour -if that- of gated wow content and was all excited to log in, just got to 60 and swapped from dragoon to dancer and was actually really enjoying it so looking forward to playing, and saw that it is down. Now iā€™m sheepishly back playing WoW to fill the void :3


I went in once for the quest and got completely overwhelmed by the crazyness of it all. One day I will solve my FF14 poverty and get a houseā€¦ in Gridania. Everywhere else is basically Florida.


But I really do. TestKings were passed around at work more than, well you knowā€¦

I was going to say something about Shirogane, but youā€™re still kind of right. Dudes in robes with katanas is just as much Florida as it is Japan.


Speaking of where can you see info for when maintenance is finished?

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I camped 2 houses. Enjoy staying up forever or calling out sick and clicking all day

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Itā€™s probably still there. Iā€™ve been playing it steadily for the past year and I love it.

On their twitter also lodestone server status page.