Feralscale the elite evoker

I guess that makes me the world’s first person who didn’t ask.


2400 in Solo Shuffle = 2000 in 3v3

Ah yes, another crossed the fold. Before long I’ll see screen shots of him telling people his account is worth more than their lives, etc. lol


Notorious is my number one fan he knows all the Feralscale lore

damn did you wintrade to get out of rival?

feeling like u did. need vod proof to show otherwise ASAP or you are forever known as wintrader and fake elite dragon!

this forum is too predictable

Was expecting at least a few people to be like, hey you know what man congrats, but no. Met with nothing but seething hatred. People really hate to see an underdog come up

im furious


Obnoxious people don’t generally garner positive results.


Cuz ur bragging about the PvP equivalent of KSM and throwing it at people


I’m not throwing it at you guys I am informing you of the great event that transpired the other night in the flat earth world of azeroth

It’s SO crazy to me, because I’ve seen the entire forum community from rank 1s to casual lurkers come out to congratulate people on everything from their first 1500 to title.

The only real “rules” that people frown upon breaking are:

  1. Not being accountable for your own play/actions (“my class is F tier”)
  2. Using your rating/prestige to shame others (dh pilots :slight_smile: )
  3. Conspiracy theories about boosting and wintrading (hecking biebz)

Just dont humblebrag/flex on people or be a jerk and no one will be upset with you XD


It’s insane how we all get called every name in the book by those breaking those rules as well lol.

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It is lol fr

Congrats! Now you can play the game

This forum functions like most places. If you’re civil and humble you can survive about anywhere. If you aren’t, life will test you. Lol


Tiger can’t change his stripes

I don’t agree with that at all! I think that literally anyone can change, so long as they’re motivated to do so.

I just think that a lot of people choose not to and undergo mental gymnastics to justify their behavior.

Every single person on these forums and in wow and in life as a whole has said or done dumb things. Most people have learned from that and don’t do it anymore.


Man, I remember when I got my first glad and came in here thinking I was the greatest thing to exist rofl! Got checked pretty quick and realized just how “okay” I actually was lol.

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preach brotha i just got world first 2400 windwalker monks named drongo on moon guard server last night in a single sitting of shuffle qs

id like to thank:

kennie 2