Feral isn’t OP Night Elf is

Without Meld feral would be B tier at best. This is coming from someone who plays a Zandalalari Druid so trust me I know the struggle of a non Nelf Druid

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Not your best material.


I would change to my Zanadalari to prove it if the forums would let me

As someone who has 2 ferals, one tauren and one night elf, meld is a HUGE deal, it’s a whole nother 4 sec stun you get each round, crazy

actually true meld is that extra cd needed to negate a few seconds a burst, as troll druid i also know

Yuuuup. There’s a reason 99% of the ladder is Nelves

ok but hear me out

what if you just press maim every 20 seconds and win?

Worgen feral confirmed best combo

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sorry bro, as a someone that plays worgen for everything possible, worgen druid just aint it

Night Elf Druid and Night Elf Rogue are so many leagues above any other race+class combination that it’s not even funny

why doesnt the forums’ reply thing work 90% of the time

see above

If worgen’s so bad then why can worgen be played

checkmate l2p issue

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bro I swear this reply thing doesnt work everrrrrrrrr at alllllllllllllll

now THIS is a l2p issue for me

Hey I never said I was playing it.

l2p issue.

worgen op

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worgen OP indeed

I’m farming shadowplay because of my 1% shadow resistance. I bet these scrubs never figure it out why they cant get any pressure