Feral Druid needs attention not enjoyable nor fun

It’s a simple question, and the fact that you can’t answer it is enough of an answer.

This is spot on.

In a thread about the enjoyability, the fun, and the lack thereof of playing Feral in its current iteration, we have people – one of whom cannot answer the simple question of whether or not he has even played the spec – who stop by to say:

And have the gall to lecture about having an informed opinion.

How dare we suggest changing or removing X, which in this case is Wild Attunement, an ability that has been in the game for less than a year, because it is making a spec that many of us have enjoyed for several years substantially less enjoyable? No, the proper thing to do, as I am learning from the guy who can’t say whether he has played Feral or not, is to suck it up and reroll.

When you have an informed opinion about how fun and enjoyable or not fun and enjoyable Feral is to play, then I encourage you to share your experience here.

And for the record, on this baseless accusation, first, the irony is palpable because “it,” surely does not refer to Feral, which you have clearly felt free to share your opinion on in this thread. Second, I am not shy about disagreeing with rank 1s – while I agree with many of Axtin’s points, as they echo my experience, I disagree with others. Finally, I have been clear about the issues I experience with the Druid Class Tree and Wild Attunement specifically, none of which is based on “what some rank 1 tells me.”


Very high skill cap that allows you instantly end pretty much any game with a single clone on a healer without trinket, which you can set up on your own 100% of the time with precog at the cost of dying very quickly.

Every class should be this including lock/dh/mage and rogue.

This stops being true when healers start bothering to walk away from you

Then run after them? Pred swift a root on them and then clone them? There are a lot of things you can do.

I’m glad that you enjoy it. Before we get too deep down the rabbit hole of how easy it is to pull off, I’m wondering again what your experience is like playing with it so far? Did you play much Feral last season when it first came out? Have you played much Feral this season? Are you playing primarily 2s, 3s, Shuffle, etc?

I think it’s very easy to talk about how easy or difficult or fun or frustrating it can be – and it can be all of those things, but it’s different at different levels. And where I’ve been playing last season and this season, it is more on the difficult and frustrating side.

I don’t believe you are accurately describing the gameplay people permit feral to engage in at the ratings I have experienced this season, let alone ratings higher than 2200


You merely need to precog once and you get the clone in pretty every match against most comps ud face.

2s and 3s where you can actually find healers that press buttons. Shuffle until higher ratings would suck a lot but that is not only feral but a bunch of other specs as well, like aff which is insane at 2700 shuffle but hard to play at 1500.

Anytime i vs this 1 feral swooping around 2200-2500 we just instantly lose because he was a boomy main and now a feral and has the skills to actually get clones off while being semi defensive. We then vs other ferals who just never get clone off never do anything and just die.

The skill difference is insane and the fact there is such a huge gap is something you want in class design because then you can be super powerful but noone cares because very few people are as good as you.

I mean, this I disagree with. Especially after the change two weeks ago. You can juke a Shaman and they have Grounding which is enough to cover the Precog buff after which point they can either line or CC you. You can juke a Demon Hunter, and they Glimpse, which again covers the Precog buff duration, after which they can use either of their instant stuns to stop the cast. Even Warriors, you can juke, they Reflect, you cast Cyclone into the Precog buff to get Reflect off and unless you’re in Heart of the Wild fast casts, Precog has worn off by that point.

I’m not saying you’re wrong in every instance, but I think this is a significant oversimplification.


When you get precog in 3s you have friends that can help you get clones but noone on their team can stop it outside of things like grounding due to how precog works.

I am a mid healer and I promise you’re not cloning me off of nothing or off of a root just because my dps donated precog. I have the superpower of walking away from you/out of your los

Clones a 0.96 sec cast with hotw and a 1.4s cast without, every stun in the game lasts longer and it isn’t hard for your team mate to instant cc you for the clone. If the clone is done then you lose your trinket because of the damage double frenzy does to pretty much every class.

Having a friend cc while you have precog is not some big brain thinking it can be done very easily with weak auras even in 2100+ lobbys in shuffle. If your having trouble not putting healers in bad spots because your healer isn’t pushing up then that is the reason not the strength of feral.

This sounds like theory to me. If you have teammates holding their setup ccs for when you get a precog and instantly hitting them on healers at that moment, and you’re not 2600 right now minimum, you’re wearing gear from wotlk or some similar massive sandbag

My friend have you noticed how every comp high end ferals are playing are setup comps.

What did you mean by this

Again, before we go down any rabbit holes, I just want to refocus on the issue.

I like playing set up comps. Specifically, I like playing Jungle, I like playing FMP, and I’ve been playing a lot of both of those this season. I love casting Cyclone to continue a CC chain, to peel, to start a set up, etc. And I didn’t particularly enjoy Season 1 where we ignored Cyclone altogether.

What I don’t like is having my damage tied to Cyclone. I want to be able to do my normal damage and use Cyclone as the situation calls for it, not endlessly fish for Precog, work through Glimpse, work through Grounding, work through Cloak, work through Reflect, work through Transcendence, work through Nether Ward, and so on, before I can start doing my damage. My biggest issue with Wild Attunement is that its mere existence means that Feral’s baseline damage has to be tuned lower. I just want my damage to be damage and my CC to be CC.

It is significantly less fun and enjoyable for me when my damage is tied to CC, and this is not because I can’t get Cyclones off – feel free to check out my videos of my gameplay, I’m Cycloning constantly, and doing so on a controller. It’s not a skill issue. I simply find it way less enjoyable having these two things tied together. I’d say there’s four pillars that make up a spec’s identity in PvP: damage, defensives, mobility, and CC. I think it’s bad to tie two of those things together too intimately, and that’s what Feral has right now with our damage being tied so closely together with Cyclone.


i agree buff feral

What part of “Wild Attunement isn’t fun to play” don’t you understand?