Feral druid and rebirth

Edit: PTR is out and feral druids are the only druid spec that gets kicked out of their unique spec form to cast rebirth. Please add in concerns at this PTR forum link:


Did I see this right? That ferals cannot cast rebirth in cat form? That honestly didn’t need to change, it was fine.

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It may just be worded funny but i think it will still be castable in form its kind of a rewording cause of the visible passive buff they are now giving like a tool tip change

Hmmm, I hope you’re right. I’m sure the ferals will roar if they test PTR and they can’t cast rebirth in cat form.

Actually now that I look at it again. It says by default meaning the passive more then likely makes it possible

So while guardian druids can cast Rebirth in bear form, moonkins can cast Rebirth in moonkin form, and resto druids can cast Rebirth in humanoid form b/c they heal in humanoid form…

How is would that be fair to ferals? It’s like a nerf.

i meant that its more then likely we can cast while in cat

As written on the patch notes they wouldn’t but I feel like that’s a typo since giving only Ferals a 2 GCD penalty on top of the 2s cast time to use rebirth would be laughably ridiculous. I find it easier to believe that it’s included in the passive and that they simply forgot to write it in the notes than they actually just want Ferals to stop using Rebirth.

For my part I’m still trying to figure out why it’s not instant cast for Ferals anymore but is for Guardian. And it doesn’t benefit from Predatory Swiftness anymore. I have no idea why it works the way it does now.

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Casting rebirth when it used to be instant cast from pred swiftness makes me not want to use it, in order to not lose dps.

Do DKs or warlocks cast their rebirths? just curious.

Hoping it’s a typo. Cause if not… there had better be some amazing utility coming to make up for taking yet another hit to the toolkit.

DKs instant, Locks either soul stone someone ahead of time or else they hard cast it, yes

Speaking of, did Blizzard ever post a reasoning for why some specs get an instant bres and some don’t? The way it is now it feels very arbitrary. Especially since Rebirth in particular functions differently from spec to spec. And it’s not a tank vs DPS thing since DPS DKs get instant cast.

Since the deliberately made Rebirth instant cast for Feral in Legion and called it out as a QoL change that they wanted to make, it seems odd that they walk it back without so much as a how-do-you-do. It’s one of the greatest puzzles of the modern age.


To be totally honest, I’d much rather have it the way it used to be back in the day. Pop out of cat form for a clutch rebirth, or tranquility. Jump into bear form to save a raid when both tanks die with a boss at 5%.

Everything now is so watered down for the most simple of WoW player. So I don’t play Druid anymore. Almost every other class has more utility than THE utility class. It makes no sense.

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I was playing feral in a m+ and was told they’d rather invite a dk dps next time, so :woman_shrugging:

I just want my feral to be able to do content without feeling bad or left behind.

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You made out better than I did then. About a week ago I signed up for an Atal’Dazar. We still needed to get a tank and 1 DPS so I waited around with the leader at the summoning stone. About 10 minutes later the group was full, we were starting to file in, and the leader whispers me asking if I was Balance or Feral. I tell him Feral and he replies, “Dude I’m so sorry.” And then he kicked me.

That’s so messed up. He should have been up front about that instead of wasting your time, but nonetheless, that’s no reason to kick.

Yeah. I can’t even begin to tell you how salty it made me at the time. I’ve been rejected from groups before for being Feral. But that was the first time I’ve been kicked from the group after the fact for it.

Nowadays what I’ve gone and done is I’ve picked up a 400 Balance weapon and whenever the question gets asked I just say Balance. I’ve learned what the right answer is. Their loss. Despite being lower down in the FotM ladder my Feral play is significantly better than my Balance play. I go down from like, 25k DPS on bosses and 70k on Reaping down to 19k/40k.

But hey their loss. I don’t care if they play themselves.

Some ferals lie that they’re balance and stay in humanoid form or if they have balance affinity to go moonkin form and when the key starts they go kitty

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I don’t even know how this works when you can inspect them and see their spec lol

Some people don’t check lol

I think druid brez gives more health and mana which is why it has a cast not totally sure about that though. I dont know the other classes brez stuff