Feral buffs not enough

There are people out there just playing default wow. Clicking on party frames to heal. Clicking interrupts. It’s wild!

My Monk does that at 220 >.<

Don’t remember his gear and I’m at work so looking at my io takes a bit of time (feel free if you want) but I’m pretty sure everyone in the group was at least 260 ilvl and 2000+ rated.

I kinda miss doing keys sorta. I don’t have time for pve honestly but I wouldn’t mind a key or two to f around in :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d let you f around in my key if you wanted to. Oh baby oh baby

Haha, if I can remember wtf the dungeons are about. I’ve always found them fairly easy, though I never pushed like top .5% or anything. I’m sure there’s tons of intricacies on total efficiency but I’d be down to see how well pvp gear does :joy:

anything over a 20 on a fort week, we might as well not press the button for how impactful it is

Yeah I suppose its strength fades in a hurry on those longer fights where it could have just been an instant damage ability at that point.

Sadly I still haven’t had a chance to play with the 4 piece. I have a 3 piece, but the 2 piece isn’t worth running for the lack of priority stats im missing out on

That alone is telling of how under tuned it is.
The 4 set is strong, but only in perfect situations of 10 second mob pulls, basically 12-17 keys. Anything under or over it becomes nearly worthless unfortunately.

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Still better than nothing though amirite??

In a pull though, just one, what is the overall percentage that sickle does? And what is it when it’s coupled with Frenzied?

I know that the 10 seconds seems minimal, but I feel like on a pull to pull basis it should still hold up okay?

It really depends on the pull length. If it’s 10 seconds. Sickle will be top damage followed by frenzied.

It’s it 20 or more. Rip/ frenzy takes over.

Longer than 40 and you’re back to rip swipe as top.

Size obviously matters too.
If you’re running Gambit and pull every single murloc in the bay, It’s going to be by far and large your biggest attack.

If you’re running ToP and only get 4 targets on the first pull. It’s gonna be underwhelming.

I ran with a feral who was gemming and gearing vers. He was also 278 ilvl, but even still, his sickle was WAY higher than mine. So stats play a role too.

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On average my sickle damage has been doing 17-20% of my overall in 15-17 keys. I haven’t dps’d a single key this week, I’ve only been healing but I could certainly see

holding real weight, unfortunately. While other specs are scaling up, ours seems to scale down as difficulty increases. In 10 second pulls I’m spiking 60k+ dps and as soon as the bleed drops, the damage plummets while everyone else in my normal push group has been steadily dropping. It’s been kind of a shame the last few weeks, they’ve been pushing 20-21’s while I’ve kinda stayed behind and actually started dropping keystones to remember how to resto. I’d say our 4pc needs a bigger buff, but that’s only going to make that spike higher, it’s not going to sustain our dps. We need buffs like what we just had, we just need meaningful ones which the previous tuning pass we just had were definitely not.

Right, but i’m just curious as to what the overall percentage is on a single pull, and not the entire run :wink: And the only reason I’m wanting to look at it from that perspective is because people like to put Feral down because they don’t have any burst AoE for the packs that matter.

Now when you can spike that 50-60k on a pack that matters, and do it every 2 minutes on average, then we’ve got something to talk about. But 20% of 15m damage isn’t anything to scoff at over the course of a run either.

The 4pc is certainly burst aoe, but it’s nothing compared to hunters, warlocks, pretty much every other spec (aside from like…bm, I think we’re about on par there now). I’ll never tell anyone we aren’t viable in all content because we are, but when you’re pushing the hardest content available for your group, your gimping yourself by a fair bit. Feral should be able to see KSH / CE no problem for example, but obviously you can see from the world first race we weren’t used at all just because there are better options, and you’re not going to see us in MDI / GP either. That’s not going to mean ferals won’t see a 5 or so key levels under the top keys like every other season so we’re definitely there, we just aren’t competitive which is still pretty disheartening. Still a good reason to remind people that a good feral is more than good enough to push keys with though, we aren’t a dead spec by any means.


Everytime I read anything about owlweaving it makes me want to puke in my mouth.

The fact it’s more effective then simply being a cat as feral just goes to show how bad off the spec really is.


It’s not “more effective” - it’s more effective to stay as a cat as a simple screw up sets you behind.

So i got my 4 piece, and it’s been a flop so far. I don’t get a chance to utilize Frenzied Assault at all because I pop berserk and am too busy chasing Orbs since its another one of those “ah someone else will do it” mentality weeks. Makes it hard to keep proper BT procs rolling for me too >.<

ughhhh just gimme a damn good group already lol

When I heal I keep moonfire on a mouse over macro. Dps doesn’t get a chance to do orbs. Same thing when I tank. Dps shouldn’t be doing orbs in most cases.

I do the same! Doesn’t matter what character I’m playing, I’m chasing orbs. Bit harder on the warrior though, slow swings lol and hate wasting a perfectly good Shield Slam on an Orb

look at you in that 4pc

Every druid needs this.

/use [@mouseover,exists,harm] Sunfire;[@mouseover,exists,help] Rejuvenation; [harm] Sunfire; Rejuvenation

add me then

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No joke, it’s a great week for druids

Forgot to mention, I broke 2300 before reset and don’t even have a fortified streets or spires. Good chance I’ll be getting my ksm tonight.

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