Aussie here, confirming this is true xD
Female Human Paladins have too much junk in the trunk.
Female Void Elf DK/Rogue/Warrior look absolutely amazing… I just like elven characters that use swords or daggers lol
As I told my D&D group:
Humans aren’t boring, people just write boring characters.
Your leader is Turalyon.
Fareeya is merely his second in command.
Yes. You supply me with chili fries.
i also supply other things.
Please, everyone knows the greatest combination is male blood elf hunter.
I mean, just look at me!
And don’t you worry, female human paladins there is certainly enough of me to go around!
The actual hottest thing ever is a human female paladin wearing the elite cataclysmic set with the wrathful gladiator tabard and bloody dancing steel
Can’t change my mind
Like beer? That’s my gig!
No, wait… Is it a dashing wit?
tho i dont like to tell dwarf jokes, but when i do… i keep em short
Get out of this thread.
Also! Misses Viking Santa asked how I like my beard…
I told her it’s growing on me.
Also, my party once said my story for a traveling group to toss a bracelet of power into a volcano was terrible…
but it has potential
Undead Death Knight. obviously
this post took a left turn when the dwarven erpers found it unfortunately!
Night Elf Female Hunter are best.
Paladins are meh
Because its the year 3021, a dystopia where WoW still exists but the only possible option is Red or Blue Human Female Paladin. Being the only option means it’s also the best option by default!
Why is this even a question?
Face it…just face it…
have some of my peanut butter…it helps the booze go down smoother
Hi ! Nice to meeeeeet you.
Don’t think there is any best combo
But lore-wise… Female Nelf Druid.