Fellow Rogues how you holding up?

I mean, if we wanted to play Subtlety, we would spec into Subtlety, not play HillBilly Outlaw while pretending to Shadow Dance with a single ability.


So screw people that like playing with Shadow Dance right? The worst these rogue forums have to offer.

What is the point of Shadow Dance when its sole purpose is a single ability? Just cut it out and just make Crackshot standalone at this point.

It already dominates the other capstones, so what’s the actual harm in taking the ‘Stealth’ requirement out.


This comment says everything about you that needs to be said. L2P :man_shrugging:t5:

Thats not the fault of Shadow Dance. Nice job addressing the problem while showing you dont know how to play.

‘Someone doesn’t like my playstyle, so they need to L2P.’

So incredibly bitter about people not liking the dumbing-down of Outlaw.


Based off your comment you dont even know what else Shadow Dance could be used for. Kinda ironic saying the addition of something dumbs down the spec when you dont even use everything the addition provides.

Nothing beneficial to the spec as a whole except for Crackshot.

The only reason you take two charges of Vanish and Subterfuge is for Crackshot. Anything else is superfluous.

Outlaw is supposed to be the least dependent on Stealth, but for some baffling reason, it is the most dependent on it because ‘muh Between duh Eyes’.


Vanish should be a self defense cooldown with a few seconds no attack tacked on.

Shadow dance should be our dps cooldown.

For the love of all that is holy separate the two functions!

I am sick to death of my brain saying “we need more dps” and my fingers saying “no problem, hitting all da buttons” and oops I just vanished while soloing and the boss went to full HP!


Im still a strong supporter of removing or making RtB (And its associated buff CD) optional.

I want my Combat back.


Funny thing is that RTB is still choking the spec but BTE bugs and stealth window issues are more noticeable now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I’m doing well! I hope you are too - as well as all our sneaky friends who read this :blue_heart:

I still call Outlaw Combat sometimes, don’t worry. It’s not just you.

I’m pretty happy with where Assassination is right now, but I do agree that Subtlety has a lot of button bloat that should definitely get a prune.


Being pretty much the only person in my raid group who has to actually intensely watch their resources is pretty lame ngl.


Ive definitely felt this.

Sin’s Stamina Regen is atrociously bad.

It feels like the only one out of the 3 specs that actually has Thistle Tea as mandatory.


I have a 40 something rogue in MoB leveling atm and it is an odd class now…

at times assassin is easy to play and others combat (won’t mention the orphaned spec that has been left out in the cold to die)

the same specs can be working great one level then the next level having serious issues with survival swithc specs to have the same thing occur there too .

I REALLY DON’T LIKE Blizzard’s “scaling” system at times (at least I think this is what it is)

My pants won’t drop because Blizzard lacks Rizz.


the incoming nerfs to outlaw should only be pve.


Yeah when we were clearing the raid I was looking around like wow, must be nice to be able to do max damage because you don’t have to juggle 10 different things.

I was almost getting hit by mechanics because our DoT durations are so damn short. Gotta check on Garrote frequently, check on Thistle Tea, make sure Deathstalker’s Mark is rolling, checking Feint charges, checking on the Echoing Reprimand mini game, checking to see if Kingsbane is coming off CD and where I’m at with Shiv charges. In dungeons you have to watch Tempest uptime and then make sure you’re actually Mutilating the thing that has Rupture and that thing has to be the thing that has Deathstalker’s Mark also.

We’re back to Classic WoW where you just never switch targets once you mark something until the thing dies or you get the refresh buff.


Really enjoying how Outlaw plays, it’s frantic, but when it clicks, it’s fun to play. Numbers aren’t quite there yet, but the expansion just started so I’m waiting on that. Crackshot is a really fun talent, and I’m looking forward to its buff in 11.0.5

Hero talents seem to not affect my gameplay at all. Fatebound is ho-hum RNG that could use more flavour and Trickster just doesn’t work. Deathstalker didn’t do much but change my opener, and since Charged Combo Points don’t trigger the Mark, that spec is also broken.

The class is severely bugged and anytime I see a PTR patch notes with our class on it, the bugs aren’t addressed. I’m sure they know about em, but it feels like they should be a priority.

Having two charges of Grappling Hook is nice though! But please reset or reduce the cooldown if the hook can’t make it up past an ant hill. Or at least let me use my second charge!


if you haven’t read the patch notes yet, I’ve got some awkward news for ya.


I mean it wasn’t going great and the removal of shadow step from outlaw is going to be a real kick in the nuts