Fel Cycle: Turns out it is unlocked

my guess is the green bike is also the purple bike and that you have to unlock the last three orbs in order to have it change colors.

It’s grouping with 100 different people.

25 groups. I don’t know if LFR raids count or if it has to be LFD, but most people who have played for any length of time at all just get it passively without trying or even realizing. Some of these folks who think they don’t have it
probably have it.

It’s LFD only. it’s the achievement looking for multitudes, and it only counts for heroic dungeons.


This would be neat. Got mine last night.

if I was attention seeking I would create a forum post after doing none of the work to discover how to unlock it :wink:

Sadly I lost interest in the bike early on.


Is this bike going away soon or something?

No but it may become more difficult to do later on, as right now you can get credit for some of the more obscure parts by just being around other players completing that step

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Jokes on you since I am in the Discord for it, and helped with 3 and 5. You’re welcome. I don’t run mythics
 I do cool stuff :rofl:


jokes on you trying to make things personal about a passing comment i made being glad it wasn’t a long step at 10pm

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No, but the event to unlock it is. You have to get the Detective title from the Anniversary event assistant.

You just need to be present in the area when someone with the pug activates the crystal. If you hang out in the area now while a lot of people are running through the secret, you have a good chance of getting an accidental assist from a passing stranger.

(Same with the troll spirits that demand you show a bunch of toys/pets/mounts/mogs)


Well, we may want to work on your “humor” :wink:

you’re the one who came up with this fantasy attention seeking humble-brag scenario while doing the very same thing lol :man_shrugging:

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For a “passing comment” you seem awfully determined to defend it :man_shrugging:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: surre buddy

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 I get it. This is one of those trolling moments where you comment for your own amusement. I was hella confused for a minute. Good one!

Look at him he knows everything

Always with the scenarios

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Dad works at Nintendo

He told me the purple cycle is obtained after unlocking the blue cycle and red cycle to combine them to form the ultra megacycle. The blue cycle will be added with 11.1 as a boss drop from mythic Floodgate.

Top secret, so don’t tell anyone.

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Getting a little defensive for a “passing comment”